Last time some folks would have preferred a longer interval. How about three months, from the fall equinox to the winter solstice this time in December?
Last time some folks would have preferred a longer interval. How about three months, from the fall equinox to the winter solstice this time in December?
It's now officially Fall in Texas. Low temp this morning was below 60. I had to wear a sweatshirt to bed last night for the first time since Spring, and I've kept it on all day to avoid being cold. Soon I won't be able to open my windows except maybe in the warmest part of the day, and far too soon I'll have to turn my furnace on.
I am not a happy camper!
Screenshot from 2021-09-22 12-18-15.jpg
I am finding the 50's refreshing. To each their own I guess.
This fall I want to:
Paint - outside steps, inside stairs, touch up kitchen cabinets.
Cut down foliage in preparation for fall and - a tree.
Celebrate family birthdays - I have four in the fall and all but DS should be happy to celebrate with me. I can always hope he has a change of heart and make it four.
Attend all Board of Health meetings as I continue to fight the local mask mandate.
Meet up with a friend.
Do all my Christmas shopping.
Walk three times a week.
For me 85-90 air temperature is comfortable with no breeze and lots of bare skin, and 90-100 is ok with a slight breeze if I'm not in direct sun. But in 80-85 degree air I have to put on at least pajama pants and a thick teeshirt. And below 80 I have to do the Mister Rodgers thing and put on a sweatshirt or sweater. That's the way it is for thin people who grew up in the south with no air conditioning. Our internal thermostat is set to be more heat tolerant then cold tolerant, and the older we get, the more our lack of natural fat insulation make us dislike being cold.
ETA: Since I've been decluttering and organizing for over a year in anticipation of moving to a different state in the near future. The only things on my current agenda are clearing up a few loose ends of organizing/simplifying, trimming bushes that have grown too much during the summer, and reading some library books that may not be available for free where I'm moving to. Nothing there I'd consider a challenge.
Ok - not a lot on my to-do list:
Touch up exterior paint
hang my husband's college rowing oar on the loft wall
make Christmas cards
DS's wedding weekend October 7-10
help DD paint her dresser
"Do not accumulate for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and thieves break in and steal. But accumulate for yourselves treasure in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, your heart is also." Jesus
So far I painted the side steps and noticed the front steps need work as well which I hope to do tomorrow.
Cut back enough foliage to fill all my yard waste barrels. Once they are emptied the week after next I have more to do, or if I get ambitious may just cut down and pile it up in the yard until then.
Got one birthday gift and card.
Attended a Board of Health meeting, continue with research and outreach on my issue. I plan to go to a Libertarian event tomorrow and to walk there, my third walk of the week.
I have some regular seasonal stuff to do:
- Clean and store air conditioners and fans
- Clean closet and rotate summer & winter clothes. I also have brought in 28 items this year and have only culled 21, so I need to cull at least 7 more items to reach the "break even" point, and ideally I would like more out than in.
- Leaf cleanup and shred
- There are lots of small seasonal things, and it's interesting to think that many of these tasks don't exist for those in warm-weather climates: put away hoses and turn off outside water, change storm door panels to screens, get out the snow shovels (which work their way to the back of the shed during the summer), put away the hammock, empty and wash outdoor plant containers, change bedding to flannel sheets and winter quilt.
- I still need to stain the damned benches, but I have at least prepped them!
- I would like to come up with a thing or two that are improvements rather than maintenance, that feel more like moving forward than staying in place, but I haven't quite decided on those yet.
Make last trip to parents' house and go through the whole house with knowledge this is my last chance.
Go visit my grandson.
Finish sanding and repainting side of the house.
Make a workable budget for two scenarios--this house and new house.
Complete accounting to house repairs etc on this house as will need to pay taxes on any profit if we sell it.
Decorate for Christmas.
Teach 4 classes.
Rosa, I think staining the benches is improvement rather than maintenance . I tend to put off all that winter prep until it is too cold! Always hoping maybe winter will forget this year.
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