I finally have a frugal to share. I bought a little $3.00 plug-in LED nightlight for the kitchen because Raymond is dark and the floor is dark, and I'm afraid we're going to trip over him or step on him in the night. DH didn't like it because he thought it was way too bright. I made a shade out of a plastic Pepsi cup, which was very effective but looked like total crap. I was looking online at nightlights, and I kind of liked one that was a simple scallop shell over a little basic nightlight, priced at about $22 with shipping. I gave it some thought and realized I had a hot glue gun that I've never used and I have some seashells. Well voila, I was able to make a perfectly acceptable seashell nightlight with stuff I had on hand for minimal effort, and it looks a lot better than my Pepsi cup fix, although that was a pretty low bar to surpass, lol.