To give pleasure to a single heart by a single act is better than a thousand heads bowing in prayer." Mahatma Gandhi
Be nice whenever possible. It's always possible. HH Dalai Lama
In a world where you can be anything - be kind. Unknown
I can't comment on specifics, but aren't there people who believe that their fate is in the hands of a higher power and not the rules of man, so would not be a violation of the Golden Rule, but a reaffirmation of faith? I've heard of such things.
Isn't it common for many or most religious services to be streamed to those who are home bound these days. That would seem like an option for the mask less. I would find the practice of allowing a mask less person in a large indoor setting to be very unacceptable and would probably not attend. And would let the pastor know why. Another option might be requiring a recent negative test?
Like so many other issues these days, it seems not to be about loving thy neighbour but a power trip for the person who prioritizes his/her individual viewpoint rather than considering and benefiting the wellbeing of the others in the same surroundings.
As Cicero said, “Gratitude is not only the greatest of virtues, but the parent of all the others.”
I am surprised that your church requires everyone wear a mask. Most places have an exception for those who cannot wear a mask for medical reasons (which could be the case with this individual and the pastor is not violating her medical confidentiality by disclosing this to you), as well as for those below a certain age. Are babies masked at your church?
Even if this self-involved person doesn't infect anyone else, they are clearly making others in the congregation uncomfortable and probably causing not a little concern. I'd explain to your pastor that you'll be staying home for the duration. Bae's advice is also sound.
Reminds me of my mentally ill son saying I don't care about him if I don't let him micromanage me because that means I don't care about his (mental) health. Experts including Dr. Scott Gottlieb today on Face the Nation today are increasingly saying cloth masks don't provide any protection but if people don't wear any old mask they are termed selfish and worse, not based on science, but on making irrationally nervous people uncomfortable. If the parish mandated N95 or KN95 masks someone could make the case that they are legitimately concerned about noncompliance, but the other masks are just window dressing.
Thank you for the thoughtful replies. I appreciate what everyone has said. It is an hour and a half long service and my options for separation and distancing are limited.
The pastor has not explicitly said why he feels he can't exert any control over this person, but my guess is that he does not see any way to do this without literal physical force.
I think that for now I need to be somewhere else on Sunday mornings, and yes, I expect I will suspend my financial support given that this does not feel like an atmosphere of respect and courtesy.
Thank you for reading my post and replying and good wishes to everyone.
Your response sounds reasonable to me.
I would think that the mask denier would let it be known in the church community that she cannot wear a mask and is taking the health exemption, that is *IF* she is taking a health exemption. People who are sincere in intent wouldn't have to state exactly their health problem. Probably that isn’t the case with her.
My county has a mask mandate in place and I was reading through what would be required for an actual medical exemption. There's not a lot. They say even people with asthma should wear a mask since an infection could be especially serious for them.
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