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Thread: Very Important Subjects

  1. #1161
    Senior Member littlebittybobby's Avatar
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    okay-----another BRILLIANT thought; Maybe the UHC CEO assassin wanted to be well-known (or notorious), like "Chuck" Mangione, horn-playing musician.(see photo). Only, Luigi couldn't play any musical instruments or sing. So, yeah--he decided to be an anarchist, like Sacco & Vanzetti. But yeah--now, he's infamous. Yup. See?

  2. #1162
    Senior Member littlebittybobby's Avatar
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    okay-----I just KNOW summa you kids'd be VERY(xxx4444) upset about this---but yeah--I was given a car hood that was damaged. I did them a favor by removing it, and I will use it to cover things up. See? How do you like that?

  3. #1163
    Senior Member littlebittybobby's Avatar
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    okay----here's a photo taken in NooMexxicco, land O' Encampment. Somewhere east o' Tucumcari. Yup.

  4. #1164
    Senior Member littlebittybobby's Avatar
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    okay----here's a photo that I've captioned: "I say old boy, have you any grey poupon?" Ha. of course, it's QE2 on her way to the grocery for tea n' crumpets. (see photo) But yeah----the expression on her face indicates that traffic is murder in merry olde England, too. Yup

  5. #1165
    Senior Member littlebittybobby's Avatar
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    okay----just for fun a couple weeks ago(even though I was still a little sick), I happened to be going by the Cem-o-tery downtown where you have quite few few notable & notorious people and even some people I have known. But the grave I was looking for was of a guy who was executed in Zurras' Gas Chair awhile back. I had looked on the chart the cem-o-tery has online and also findagrave and cross-referenced them to find the location, cause you'd take forever finding the plot just wandering around. But yeah--the landmark clear in the back of the cemetery was the large granite tombstone of a former sheriff, and I had reckoned by the charts that the executed mans gravesite was directly south of it, across the lane about 75 feet away. So, yeah--I found it. Evidently, his parents had purchased the plots and a marker for themselves, about the time the guy was executed, because they both outlived him by two decades. Anyway, there it was. Now, there's another cem-o-tery, owned by the city, further south by the mall, that has the grave of another convict who was executed by hanging at the courthouse, here. So, yeah--I'll hafta go check that one out. I also have know other people whose grave is in that cemetery. Then, on the north side, there's another cemetery where people have known are interred. But, the graves I'm gonna check out are that of the State Patrolman who fell attempting to summit Grand Teton solo in one day, during the middle of the night, and also the family who was murdered & the schoolteacher husband was tried and acquitted back in the 90's. I'll let you know how it turns out. Yup.

  6. #1166
    Senior Member littlebittybobby's Avatar
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    okay---here's a photo of the Aldis' in LA on fire. (see photo). I've seen other video footage of the urban landscape with burntout buildings there; and heck--that's no brushfire! That's a case of grossly inadequate preparation to put out a large structure fire, and keep it from spreading! It was bound to happen! The gummint there has got their priorities all screwed up, and the prevailing consensus seems to be that preoccupation with social justice issues in public policy, at the expense of emergency preparedness, is at fault! You bet. Hope that helps you some.

  7. #1167
    Senior Member littlebittybobby's Avatar
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    okay-----here's a notification i got on facebook; it is a suggestion that i apply for that particular visa card or whatever, so i can enjoy The Good Life, like you kids, 'steada staying home all the time with my pett catts & doggs. Yup (see photo).

  8. #1168
    Senior Member littlebittybobby's Avatar
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    okay----back in the Valley, 60 years ago, I was riding my cheap, self-powered single-speed coaster brake, self-powered Murray bicycle back in the hills, when i encountered a couple kids from down the street from us, and they were riding double on a Honda 55 trail. I'd seen them around on that thing several times. Well, the Honda belonged to a 14-year old, and his passenger was a 13-year old neighbor of his. The 13-year olds' Dad was the host of a local Kids' show on TV. Well, the last weekend in July, the boys were camping in the backyard, and I think they left to go downtown to the movie theater when the show let out, to socialize a bit. Well, on the way back home, I guess for some reason they were stopped or slowing down on the dark two-lane highway heading back home, and the Honda was hit from behind by another neighbor driving a Ford pickup. Both boys were killed, and the pickup driver/neighbor was arrested at the scene. (see photos). But yeah--I was discussing the incident with a former associate just the other day. He said the 13-year old had been his locker partner at school that year. My associate and I were bound for Camp Cowles that weekend for a week, so we missed out on summa the hysteria in the 'hood. I'd heard about the wreck from yet another associate, who was also bound for Camp Cowles that week. But, I don't recall discussing it much. That was the summer that the Animals' had hat hit song: "House of the Rising Sun." And also, the Beach Boys, sang: "Little Honda"("it's not big motorcycle, just a groovy little motor bike" Yup. The TV MC Dad also died almost 6 years later of a heart attack. By that time, he had been working as a car salesman. His widow and two daughters lived at home at the place down the street for their entire adult lives; I think the daughters still do.
    Last edited by littlebittybobby; 2-2-25 at 11:36pm.

  9. #1169
    Senior Member littlebittybobby's Avatar
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    okay----i been sitting around when I should be doing something constructive, like YARD WORK!!! But, it's cold outside. Ha. Anyway, summa the videos are of police encounters and taking a suspect into custody. Seems lotsa the videos have suspects who physically resist, and sometimes it takes several minutes for even burly cops to put restraints(handcuffs) on a suspect before they transport them. What I'd do, if I were brilliant like T. Edison, is invent some better means of restraining a suspect. Seems like the technology for handcuffs has lagged waaaay behind. Yup.

  10. #1170
    Senior Member littlebittybobby's Avatar
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    okay-----Today, I saw T. Bwown strolling across the yard, heading out back. He doesn't stop for foods & a pat, any more. Last time I saw him was right after the big snow, and he went bounding through it, headed out back. Not sure why he goes out there; maybe wild game. But T. Brown is not thin. Nope. So, I guess he's ok. Hope that helps you some. Edited to add: I was sittin on da porch late last night, waiting for my gray cat to make up her mind & go indoors, when I saw T Brown creep back around the yard, headed back to ???? He ignored meee(like you kids) and my catt. But yeah---he was prolly out back several hours, doing whatever it is he does. Anyway---I could care less; if he's got some support, somewhere, that is great. That way, I'm not feeding another catt. Hope that helps you kids. Thank mee.
    Last edited by littlebittybobby; 2-3-25 at 3:00pm.

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