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Thread: Very Important Subjects

  1. #1
    Senior Member littlebittybobby's Avatar
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    Very Important Subjects

    Okay---number one, PLEASE don't tell Alan I've managed to slip by the security measures. Let him be; it's Sunday and he's probly doing yard work. Okay: Egg checking. I'm not a fan of eggs, hadn't bought any in years. I find that these people in the stores who rummage thru the egg cooler looking for a PERFECT set of 12Eggs@1.29 a dozen are guilty of unacceptable behavior. If one has a tiny crack in the shell, so what? To be continued........Thank mee.

  2. #2
    Where are you finding eggs for $1.29 a dozen these days? They are more than double that where I am.

  3. #3
    Senior Member littlebittybobby's Avatar
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    okay---this is not about eggs. I'll get back to that, later on. For those of you who think Putin is a jerk, possibly so. But if youdo a littlebittybit of reading about the history of that part of the world(the past 1000+ years) you'll get a better understanding of it. They ought to place "Under New Ownership" signs at the borders, which change a time or two every century. Ukraine is NOT a small country, and it also has several neighbors who are not small, either. Like Turkey & Poland, etc. They can help, if needed. Ukraine is rich in mineral resources, has great farmland as well. But, it is considered a "developing" country by some, with a low standard of living for its citizens. Western countries are trying to get Ukraine into the fold, so it can be exploited, (and used strategically), and this concerns the Russians. See? Hope that helps you some. So, I don't support the neo-con Armchair Generals who are calling Biden a chicken because they imagine their idol Trump would send in 500,000 Marines and a swarm of B-52's, to show that The Good Guys always win. See? It's a problem, but not one that warrants U.S. military action. Now you know. Not going to argue with you.

  4. #4
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    What is your opinion of eggs on pizza?
    Trees don't grow on money

  5. #5
    Senior Member littlebittybobby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Yppej View Post
    Where are you finding eggs for $1.29 a dozen these days? They are more than double that where I am.
    I don't know. That's what they were, at some time or another. They are pretty cheap nutrition, though. Just don't even think about where they originate. Ha.
    See--what happened---if you'll recall back 5-6 years ago, I was elucidating the case of Church Guy who mowed and mowed and mowed, it seemed like all day, every day. Well, what happened was, he was seriously hurt in a mowing accident, and was disabled for months. But, his yard didn't go unmowed. Heavan Forbid! Ha. What happened was, another neighbor who has become a mowing zealot, steppied in, and took over mowing while church Guy recovered. Then Church Lady got sick, and had some time in the care center. Anyway(to make a short story long), what happened was, Church Guy decided to move Back Home In Indiana. Yup. So, Church Guys Boy took over at the place, See? But, that turned out to be a good thing, and I'll tell you why. He has Huskees, and he has some chickens that are allowed out to roam and pick up yummy bugs to eat. They waddle over here, to search for bugs. I'm getting to the point, so be patient. They sell the eggs, and I buy some, on a regular basis. I reuse the same styrofoam carton, over and over. I don't need to grab the carton of eggs from church guys' boy, and open the carton and start scrutinizing them, either. Ha. They are always in good shape. How do you like that?

  6. #6
    Senior Member littlebittybobby's Avatar
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    Apathetic, That's good you should ask, about eggs/Pizza. . Thank you for your inquiry. See--in 2015 on the huge bike ride, we rolled into Decorah, I-wah. Several of my ancestors lived there, a century ago. They were Norwegians, not Neanderthals, FYI. Same difference, though.
    Ha. Anyway, I-wah is a very weird place. They had a Pizza Hut that was open way before noon, when I rolled in. It said "Breakfast Buffet $xxxx. " So, I said to myself "why not". Well, all of the Pizza on the buffet was piled HIGH with scrammmled egggs and very greasy sausage and ooey-gooey CHEESE. I am surpised they didn't have pickled herring topped pizza.
    I hate to waste food, and it's too bad I didn't bring the huskees along, but I ate about 3/4 of a slice before my stomach started turning. They also have a I-wah chain called "Pizza Ranch", in every little burg, and their product is similarly bad & potentially lethal. See? Don't say I didn't warn you. If you go on that bike ride, don't go for the food! Bring your own.
    To be continued on this subject...........Any questions?

  7. #7
    I tried to get my coworker who has chickens to sell me some of his eggs but he recently got a big dog and the dog eats all the ones he and his wife don't use.

  8. #8
    Senior Member littlebittybobby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Yppej View Post
    I tried to get my coworker who has chickens to sell me some of his eggs but he recently got a big dog and the dog eats all the ones he and his wife don't use.
    Yah, initially that was my plan. But I was boiling some of them up, and tried it, and decided to use them, myself. Now, it's just a treat for them, not a staple. The cats don't care for eggs. I'm going to voluntarily increase what I pay for them "axx apples" again. I'll give them $6.00 for 18. that's still pretty reasonable, considering. Not THE cheapest; I figure I could drive to the next county, an buy them for less from someone I don't have as much confidence in. See?

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by littlebittybobby View Post
    okay---this is not about eggs. I'll get back to that, later on. For those of you who think Putin is a jerk, possibly so. But if youdo a littlebittybit of reading about the history of that part of the world(the past 1000+ years) you'll get a better understanding of it. They ought to place "Under New Ownership" signs at the borders, which change a time or two every century. Ukraine is NOT a small country, and it also has several neighbors who are not small, either. Like Turkey & Poland, etc. They can help, if needed. Ukraine is rich in mineral resources, has great farmland as well. But, it is considered a "developing" country by some, with a low standard of living for its citizens. Western countries are trying to get Ukraine into the fold, so it can be exploited, (and used strategically), and this concerns the Russians. See? Hope that helps you some. So, I don't support the neo-con Armchair Generals who are calling Biden a chicken because they imagine their idol Trump would send in 500,000 Marines and a swarm of B-52's, to show that The Good Guys always win. See? It's a problem, but not one that warrants U.S. military action. Now you know. Not going to argue with you.
    It is about eggs, because you say people are calling Biden a chicken.

  10. #10
    Senior Member littlebittybobby's Avatar
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    True, Jeppy. They are defaming chickens, by calling Ol Joe a chicken. Chickens are cute little critters, and it pains me, seeing them severely exploited for meat. I never did like eggs, but it turns out they satisfy a craving if I have 3 hardboiled, topped with hot mustard, garlic salt, and black pepper, with a dill spear along with them, dripping with brine. Yup.

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