Bobby, your friend, Dr. Todd Grande made a video about Anna Stubblefield today. Miss Annais the perpetrator in the film I wrote about on the reviews thread.
Bobby, your friend, Dr. Todd Grande made a video about Anna Stubblefield today. Miss Annais the perpetrator in the film I wrote about on the reviews thread.
okay----i sit-n-watch dr grande every so often. i like his narrative style, and his bad jokes. he is not nearly as BRILLIANT a comediaan as littlebittyme. nope. so anyway----sometimes i disagree with his conclusions, but see---the value in his presentations is that they make me aware of important cases i'd never heard about. but yeah---that way, i can do more followup research on a case that interests mee. see?
While Dr. Todd is careful too say at the beginning of everyone of his videos that he doesn’t diagnose people he talks about, if he is a licensed therapist I think he’s treading close to problematic behavior in professional ethics.
I like the behavior/body language analysts on YouTube. The Behavior Panel is great, all four of them. Martin Decoder can be pretty funny in his deadpan delivery.
Last edited by iris lilies; 6-22-24 at 7:56am.
okay----here's something i saw a photo of the other day(see photo). see----it would be a good DYI project, plus save resources by repair & reuse a major consumer item that has practical value & not just a museum piece. but yeah---an ooooold Huttson that was made into a campermobile. so anyway----i don't know what all it would entail, but prolly a fair amount. but i know you kids could handle it. yup. 2024-06-21 (8).jpg2024-06-21 (8).jpg
I was doing some light reading this morning and thought you might be interested in these "stigmatized" hotels in LA:
tyvm, RR. okay----the last few decades have seen the tourism business use the claim that their property, hotel or whatever is haunted. the old theater downtown that i toured last spring is 100 years old, and the projector operator who worked there 36 years died on New years eve, back in the 60's, before a midnite moo-veee. so, the management likes to claim it's haunted. see? most claims of "paranormal activity" are made by tourist businesses located in buildings that are known in the real estate business as "stigmatized properties". though the gummmint generally defines a stigmatized property as one where there has been activities in the use/sale/manufacture of illicit drugs OR a recent violent crime. take your pick. but private residences? well, it depends. one house in my hood was stigmatized, after a murder occurred there. another house further down, was also stigmatized for the same reason. but life goes on. the house two doors down is (i guess) kinda stigmatized because the husband fatally shot himself in their car, several years ago, and last month his wife died in the home of ??? she'd been ill for several years. but yeah---like somebody said (not mee) on the WTF Springfield f-book group awhile back---if every house or building here where someone died suddenly/tragically was haunted, that'd be about every other one, after awhile!. ha. so anyway----the couple who passed operated a berry farm out back. when the place goes to auction, should i buy 'er, grow u-pick berries, and offer(for pay) guided tours/seances/overnite stays in the house? your call. ha. but, it's weird. no disrespect to my departed neighbors; i knew & liked them. i'm disappointed their lives took a turn for the worse. yup. hope that helps you some. thankk mee.
okay------i know you kids have an interest in residential investment properties and of course have shown some interest in the segment of that market referred to as "stigmatized" nproperties. so anyway----here's one for ya(see photo). better act fast, as it prolly won't be on the market for long. but yeah---it just screams "buy me"!!!
okay----here's a VERY controversial opinion. years ago, they had a tv "comedy" show that had an ensemble cast. it seems like it was on year after year. but yeah---my point is--carolll barnett & timmy conaway & harold Corman were just about the UNfunniest people i ever saw. it wasn't funny, it was dumb. so anyway---hope that helps you some. Edited to add: Vickie Lawrence was a bore, also. Yup. Yawn. But yeah---like Newton Minow said: Vast Wasteland. Yup.
Last edited by littlebittybobby; 7-2-24 at 1:15pm.
If you don't think this is funny, maybe you should head on down to the wreckin yard and pull yourself a new sense of humor from a clown car.
"Things should be made as simple as possible, but not one bit simpler." ~ Albert Einstein
okay----yeah, hAl---that's funny. REAL funny. ha. but yeah--I reckon in your world, the thing that coulda been even more better about that show(besides Minnie Pearl) woulda been featuring musical(ha) guests Scruggs & Flatt, Waylon & Willie, the Johnnies--Cash & Prine, and any other raspy-voiced bluegrasser they could scrouge up. yup. hope that helps ya some. Edited to add: you kids prolly didn't realize this, but that tee-vee program has a dubbed-in "laugfh track". i am not a licensed psychologist, but i am aware of t5he power of suggestion, meaning the laugh track leads people to actually believe that what they are watching is actually funny. ha ha. see? but yeah---that may be WHY you believe it is funny. hope that helps you some. thankk mee.
Last edited by littlebittybobby; 7-2-24 at 9:07pm.
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