Okay----just a little while ago, i was on the porch, and it's a little chilly and misting rain. But, again--here comes T Brown, in his turtle-like pace, headed out back. He barerely glanced at mee & my pett catt, as he passed by. So anyway---here's a couple photos of a busy intersection in Hilltowns' north side. It's along old rte 66, too. (see photos) But yeah, at one time there was one o' those roadside mo-tells, with rock-sided cabins. Prolly built in the 1930's. At some point, it was replaced by another mo-tel made of concrete and cinder block, which was here when I moved here. Seems like there were some shootings there, at various times. But now, it is gone; razed in order to make way for one o' them "Chik-fil-a" places. (no photo available) That's progress, I guess. Ha.