okay-----I came up with yet another BRILLIANT idea for repurposing that unsightly eyesore that absolutely positively RUINS the otherwise picturesque little village of Herman, Zurra. See-----what they needta to is turn it into an abbatoir, and yup---process horses for export to Quebec & the ZMother Country, France. I know you kids like sitting in an airport and sitting on a plane watching moo-vvvees and then sitting in a classy(expensive) rist-o-rante, looking at a menu and deciding what culinary delight suits your appetite. oui, oui---ze filly filets are dee-licious, madame. So yeah---they can bring the old nags that the amish don't need, cause they're too old to pull a plow or whatever--or even the wagon to church-----process them, and export the "product"" to French-speaking areas of the world. Doesn't that sound like a grand idea? Hope that helps you kids some. Thankk mee.