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Thread: Very Important Subjects

  1. #1121
    Senior Member rosarugosa's Avatar
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    With all due respect Alan, I think I need to go to the wreckin' yard too, because that was the most unfunny thing I've ever watched. I kept waiting for the funny part ...
    I always hated the "I Love Lucy Show" for similar reasons. It didn't seem funny so much as dumb, and I found her persona on the show just tiresome and annoying.

  2. #1122
    Senior Member littlebittybobby's Avatar
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    okay----yeah--loosey. that's another one that is incredibly UNfunny. but yeah---in Tee-Vee hype, it is described as "the zany & wacky antics of loosey". which i think is code for corny & unfunny. so anyway---gotta get my toolz organized; motors and trans-missions are half-price this weekend. yup.

  3. #1123
    Senior Member littlebittybobby's Avatar
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    okay---todays the fourth---firecracker day---and the people next door(very much natives of the region) are NOT setting off fireworks. Nope. But, i went out back ta see to my projects & stuff, and they've got a boombox or whatever playing hillbilly music. otherwise known as "bluegrass", which i am sure almost all of you agree is VERY tasteless & annoying. it just is. case closed. end of story. game over. yup. hope that helpps you some. thankk mee.

  4. #1124
    Senior Member littlebittybobby's Avatar
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    i tell ya who'se THE funniest Tee-Vee comedian, next to Jim Carrey back in Living Color, is also Rowan Atkinson, AKA Mr Bean. Now THAT'S comedy. Hahahahaha. VERY brilliant comedy. yup. But nooooo---summa you kids'd rather watch looosey. ha.

  5. #1125
    Senior Member rosarugosa's Avatar
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    Before we cancelled the cable (over 20 years ago now and still don't miss it), I did like Drew Cary's show "Whose Line Is It Anyway?" I found some of the improv pretty clever and those guys had quite a bit of talent.

  6. #1126
    Senior Member littlebittybobby's Avatar
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    okay-----loosey was from noo yawk, and she died young (77) from too many ciggerrettes. she also was so VERY zany & wacky, that in the 1930's, she joined the Communist party! but, later on, became VERY wealthy due ta her show-biz enterprises. yup. so, annyway, i procrastinated in goin' ta the wreckin' yard last week, due ta the heat wave. but yeah---i finally made it late in the weekend, and it unbelievavbly toook the better part o' two days ta pull a good, complete motor. not ALL of two days, but still longer than it shoulda. there were several mitigating factors---heat(not extreme, but warm), humidity(very humid); the fact that the motor was in a van situated in a wreckin' yard on acres of gravel, among a 1000 other vehicles and surrounded by an 8-foot high iron fence. So yeah---that makes it hotter. on day two, they had a fire at the wreckin' yard, which added to the excitement! yup. but, anyway---'cordin' to my research, i am in a group that are more prone to "heat exhaustion", so yeah---i am not one o' those victims who use it to be a big wimp; i just pace myself take reasonable precautions, so i don't start "seeing stars". yup. on day two, two separate good samaritans saw me in the process of hoisting that good, complete motor outta the van, and said buddy---d'ya need a hand with that? but, i tollem i needed ta do it my way, so bug off< not really; i thanked them because the liftout was still in progress, and didn't need brute force at that point. i still needed to remove the wiring harness for the fuel & ingition system; i don't just cut everything. that motor had a nice, new radiator hose on it, but one a those people had just cut it, pulling thee radiator, a week or two prior. they'd also cut the cooler lines from the "tranny" to the radiator, just to save a couple minutes! see? but yeah---that's expediency, for ya. so, anyway, i got that COMPETE used motor home in the back o' my 77 GMC professional-grade truck. yup. part 2: needta crank that motor over, and drop some oil down the cylinders, asap. hope that helps you some. thankk mee.

  7. #1127
    Senior Member littlebittybobby's Avatar
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    okay----I'm gonna do a teardown and freshen up that good motor from the wreckin yard, just for fun. Yup.

  8. #1128
    Senior Member littlebittybobby's Avatar
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    okay----got that motor torn down . it is in excellent shape for 34 years and 118,900 miles(which I realize is about 5 years driving for you kids.) but yeah---it will freshen up nicely I don't wanta throw too much money at it, like you kids. Yup. Hope that helps you some thanks mee

  9. #1129
    Senior Member iris lilies's Avatar
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    Sorry Alan, but it wasn’t my type of humor either. I always thought of the Carol Burnett show as my mom‘s show. Like Johnny Carson was my parents’ generation late night TV host.
    Last edited by iris lilies; 7-29-24 at 5:35pm.

  10. #1130
    Senior Member littlebittybobby's Avatar
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    okay------i diassembled that perfectly good wreckin' yard motor in order to freshen it up this weekend, and i am doing a preliminary assessment on how i will approach this project. i also have a parts stash that is sitting there, needing to be used at some point. i have a set of "take-off" heads that a guy from up in some little burg had on a "crate motor", a nice new engine from GM. he had it in a 67 chevy 2, but prolly the cool people told him those kinda heads were NOT what the cool people have, so he pulled 'em, and put the impressive ones on. i verified this on the net, because there he was, at a car meet, with his old chevy. well, he said he was headed to spfd to see his daughter play bassabaw at the college, and would drop them off at walmart, so he did. i paid $75 for a pair of very lightly-used cylinder heads, which all the cool people are not cool because they were made specifically for trucks & vans and family sedans. but yeah---i may as well use them, instead of spending upwards of $300 on a valve grind on the engine project. even though the cam & lifters are not worn excessively, that series of engine used pathetically modest timing specs, to achieve fuel economy, emissions control, and a smooth idle. but they have low out-put, compared to the '97-up chevy pickup engines that have the cool heads and a cool cam, etc. but yeah---i have a new cam & lifters I will use & a timing set & oil pump. i wont throw anya the old parts away, as i have another engine i can use them in. See? but yeah---the debate is whether to load the block & other parts & take them to a motor machine shop for a bath in the chemical dip tank, and of course new core plugs and cam bearings. plus, a professional opinion on bore sizes crank journal sizes. i have mics, but they have dial bore gages and mics, also. i've got a new set of "flat tops" in std bore that i bought for another project, but when will i get to it? so, i may use them NOW, on this one. yup. and then---last but not least---two o' my catts require veterinary treatment plus i had to stock up on flea meds, etc., so there goes $400+ dollars. plus--i am still working on my other projects. so there's that. you kids---since you all seem to have mooolah to burn on trips, fancy-schmancy rest-o-rants, new vehicles, turnkey remodeling projects, etc., etc., etc.,so you are welcome ta send littlebitty impoverished mee a cash donation that i can use toward my humble projects. yup.

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