The rest of the board will not agree to changing the rule. It might be hard even if they were because the builder put it in the rules 43 years ago.
The rest of the board will not agree to changing the rule. It might be hard even if they were because the builder put it in the rules 43 years ago.
Terry: She looks so sweet!
IBB: It isn't Terry's rule; she lives in a condo and it's the condo association's rule.
Little cute white dogs are so easy to find good homes for. So many singles looking for a small apartment dog right now in INdy. The rescues are mostly full of pit bull and large dogs.
Yup. That is true. When I was a worker at the Shelter(Death Camp), the file of request card file was filled with requests for house doggs. But, the X-breed big dogs, not so much. I did take home a chi-wow-wow-MinPin X who had been brought back by a couple who initially were thrilled with it, until it exhibited aggression toward their Graaaaandkid. They'd sent a card to the shelter saying the dog was a gift from God, before the "attack". So, I brought him home to live with my pack o' huskeees. Threw him to the wolves. Ha. I had that Chi-wow-wow Pin for 13 years. He wuz badazz. Nother time I was working out there on a Sundy, when the "shelter" was closed. There was a young pure German Shepard up for adoption, very friendly, too. Well, he climbed out of his pen, and was wanderin around, keeping me company. The shelter supervisor came by to lock up, before I left. I thought he was going to lock the Shepard up in his pen, but no--he put it down. Yup. If I'd known that, I'da spoken for the dog. But, the super prolly was unhappy about having to come in and lock up.....there's more to that story.
That’s so sad Bobby. We sent out her pictures and stories to people my friend and I know and people don’t like that she is pad trained. Also you can’t have carpet because dogs that are pad trained think carpet is a potty pad. I am not letting her go to a stranger because she deserves a good home as all dogs do.
Okay--here's a cartoon for you kids. Ha. It has to do with Litterchure for catts. Hope that helps you some. Thankk Mee.2022-03-12.jpg2022-03-12.jpg
Okay---They've had several discussions here, on the subject of what kind of music they like. I've spent a long time formulating an answer to that one. Here are some of my conclusions. But first, an anecdote. I used to live in a college town up in the middle o' nowhere, where pigs outnumber people ten-to-one. Okay--there are two college towns that are major F-ball schools, but one had significantly more hippies, the other one had more rednecks. Where I lived, had the rednecks. One day I was driving around and for some reason stopped into this boutique that sold records and stuff for hippies. They weren't doing much business. The clerk must've been transferred from the main store at that other college town, because he was an I-wah-style hippie. Yup. Anyway, in my quest for music, I asked him to direct me to the 45 rpm records he had for sale. He said in his best I-wah snooty hippie tone: I ONLY sell albums. Then he suggested I try Target or Musicland, at the mall. Since I didn't need a water pipe or papers or beads, I left. Thing is, I did(and still do)have some of those albums-for-hippies. But, no more than a dozen. The bulk of my collection of records are 7", 45 rpm records! Okay--conventional wisdom says that REAL audiophiles and sophisticates with refined taste are like that store clerk from I-wah city---they ONLY buy albums. That way, they can display them on a shelf, in full view. People will then know they are discerning and have taste, right? Ha. Okay--I do have several old CDs of particularly good records from the 90's. I heard one of the songs on the radio, yesterday. But, they are outliers. To sum up, I ONLY like 45's. Since they don't make many of them any more, I search Youtube for videos of contemporary music. A month ago at Grocery Barn, I heard a song on the PA system I recognized--sung by someone I did not. It was an old song from the 50's, and later covered by the Beach Boys! But, I had to look up on the net, to find out who sung the Grocery store Version. Well, it turned out to be by an artist that I normally don't like, doing the singing, with an artist I have several 45 rpm records of, playing piano. Ha. Guess who? It's not necessarily the genre that I'm stuck on, no, not at all.Soo, I bought a used 45 copy of it on EBay. The common denominator of all my records(almost all), is they are studio recordings suited for broadcast, and sold a lot of 45's, at the time. That's it. Many of them were by so-called "one-hit-wonders" who in fact went on to spend the rest of their working career in music, without a big-selling 45 rpm record or it's equivalent. See? A genre in particular that I generally do NOT like is what they call: Americana. I won't get started on that, other than to say I can't stand so-called bluegrass, or music by Kenny Rogers or Lyle Lovett or Kris Kristofferson--even though ironically, he co-wrote my all-time favorite record by Alan Jackson, called "Little Bitty", for example. Also, one of my hobbies is hunting for great cover renditions of more recent popular songs I like, where 45's were not available. See?. There are some really good cover & tribute bands,too, out there on YouTube. Yup. Also, to define my taste(or lack, thereof)in music--let me put it this way--I tend to like the music your band teacher likes, but not your Social Studies or English Comp teacher. Or my earth science teacher---he idolized Frank Zappa. Probably Jerry Garcia, too. They were musical frauds. Anyway, the reason I make this comparison is that I ONLY care about the MUSIC; the SOUND, and not Lyrics! See? In 2013, I was riding bikes through a town called "Pleasant Hill" You know it wasn't very pleasant, because it was I-wah. Ha. But, by the side of the road, there was a high school stage band, and they had been instructed to play a song by The Romantics called: "What I Like" See? That song was from before they were born, but I've got it on a 45. See? Also, I know--sappy, sentimental lyrical content is contained in a lotta good music. But, I ignore lyrical content, for the most part. Only like the sound of it. If I want WORDS, I'll read a book. Except of course, the song "Little Bitty". Yup. Any quessions? Nooo, I don't like "Amay-zeeen Grace", no matter who sings it. Too sappy.ETA: I don't like that "Meat Loaf" character, either. Try not to be upset with me.
Last edited by littlebittybobby; 3-12-22 at 8:07pm.
2022-03-09.jpg2022-03-09.jpgHere's an interesting photo I found the other day. This is a car pulling a travel trailer through El cajon, which I read is a mountain pass. I think it's a 1949 Buick. What do you think of that? It's got a straight-eight motor, with prolly 100-150 hp, and a Dynaflow trans, which is VERY inefficient. EXCEPT that it doesn't cost $4000 to have it overhauled. Ha.
Okay---I know just what you kids are thinking---you're thinking: Packy--er--litlebitty--you HATE judy Collins, don't you!!! Well, aren't you? Truth is, I don't HATE Judy Collins. In fact, I like her cover of "Sunny Goodge Street", which is a cover of a song by Donovan. Never could understand the lyrics, but I'm okay with that. See?
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