Hi there! Been lurking on this sub for a couple of days and wanted to introduce myself. I am Jocie and I live in the Midwest with my DH and our three dogs. We are 33/34 respectively. I work in marketing and he is in electrical engineering.
A little background: We spent our twenties accumulating material things we didn't need/couldn't afford and it took years to pay off ~$40,000 of credit card debt. The urge (for me) to shop is still there.. like a dormant volcano, but the lessons we learned along the way have led to an almost debt free life (still have a mortgage) and a positive outlook.
As for why I'm here, I'm trying to adopt a slower, more frugal style of living, which I hope will improve my life fulfillment. Goal #2 is to pay off our mortgage in 8.5 years.
Thanks for having me.