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Thread: Why NOT to vote Republican

  1. #1
    Senior Member
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    Why NOT to vote Republican

    I don't understand how anyone can even think of voting Republican! They just vetoed getting formula from other countries but now are complaining Biden is not doing enough. WTH....

    The majority of the population (something like 71%) is in favor of Roe v Wade yet Republicans are trying to make it difficult (if not impossible) for abortions. WTH The Republicans are not abiding to the WISHES OF THE PEOPLE! Vote them out, I say!

    These are just the few recent happenings. UNBELIEVABLE that people even consider a Republican when they don't do what the people want or try to help those in need. I truly don't understand....

  2. #2
    Senior Member
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    I no longer see much difference between the two parties and thus we remain stymied in all endeavors.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by pinkytoe View Post
    I no longer see much difference between the two parties and thus we remain stymied in all endeavors.

  4. #4
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    Yes, they have very ideological differences but they're all just politicians.

  5. #5
    It's the economy stupid.

  6. #6
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    Most who vote for Republicans are Republican partisans, they petty much always vote Republican. True the Dems performance has not been anything to impress anyone. But at least as much and maybe far more depends on, for the Senate, which Senators are up for vote and if the state is competitive (it's not all of them that are up for vote, and even if a far larger percent of voters vote Dem it doesn't mean Reps don't take congress because of how skewed the population distribution is). Also how successful attempts at voter suppression are.
    Trees don't grow on money

  7. #7
    Senior Member Tradd's Avatar
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    You vote for Dems and you get shit holes like Chicago. Last Republican mayor was in the 50s, I think.

  8. #8
    Simpleton Alan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by frugal-one View Post
    I don't understand how anyone can even think of voting Republican! They just vetoed getting formula from other countries but now are complaining Biden is not doing enough. WTH....
    I believe there were two different bills passed in the House dealing with this issue, and as I understand it that Republican resistance had to do with the legislation doing nothing to correct the issues causing the problem in this country. In other words it didn't do enough to solve the problem.
    You seem to be implying that Republicans stopped the legislation from passing, that's not true.

    The majority of the population (something like 71%) is in favor of Roe v Wade yet Republicans are trying to make it difficult (if not impossible) for abortions. WTH The Republicans are not abiding to the WISHES OF THE PEOPLE! Vote them out, I say!
    Do you think that 71% of the population is in favor of unrestricted abortion up till birth or do you think that 71% of the population believes that abortion should be available up to a certain point, perhaps only in the first trimester?
    It seems to me that the political debate seems to be for all or nothing on the issue which I think has very little support on either side.
    "Things should be made as simple as possible, but not one bit simpler." ~ Albert Einstein

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by ApatheticNoMore View Post
    Most who vote for Republicans are Republican partisans, they petty much always vote Republican. True the Dems performance has not been anything to impress anyone. But at least as much and maybe far more depends on, for the Senate, which Senators are up for vote and if the state is competitive (it's not all of them that are up for vote, and even if a far larger percent of voters vote Dem it doesn't mean Reps don't take congress because of how skewed the population distribution is). Also how successful attempts at voter suppression are.
    There’s another reason to NOT vote for Republicans.

  10. #10
    Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tradd View Post
    You vote for Dems and you get shit holes like Chicago. Last Republican mayor was in the 50s, I think.
    Be careful what you wish for…. there were shit hole Republicans too

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