Okay---Re:What Faux axed. But no--the ringleader, the mastermind, the El capo, has as much culpability as the actual perps. Charles Manson, for example. Hope that helps you some. Thanks mee.
Okay---Re:What Faux axed. But no--the ringleader, the mastermind, the El capo, has as much culpability as the actual perps. Charles Manson, for example. Hope that helps you some. Thanks mee.
Okay---Sfd update: more fembatterers, more drive-by killings,more car wrecks. Worse t not better Don't venture out after dark. Nope Not here, anyway
Okay--afem-batterer with a baby shot a guy dead in the grocery-store parkin lot. Now, she is in jail. Crime runs rampant. Don't venture out after dark.
Okay----we've had numerous police pursuits, stand offs, drive bys, fatal crashes, domestic abuse cases,etc But yeah--not many hold upside, kidnappings, or arson cases. Lucky us. Hope that helps you some. Thank me. Traffic is murder, and motorcycles are suicidal .
Okay---Lil victim Gypsy B will be getting out of prison, later this month. Maybe they'll be holding a Welcome Home party for her. Yup.
Okay----Edmonton,Ab., averages about 35 homicides per year. That city has a pop of over a million. But yeah---Springfield, Zurra is approaching 20 murders, annually. Iblame it on climate change. Yup.
Okay---I forgot to mention that Sfd has about 160,000 residents. Yup. Hope that helps you some.
Okay---I read several years ago about how the local post office had an exceptional number of harassment cases. But yeah---I cannot recall any specifics, but they did have a clerk who resembled Ted Bundy, but haven't seen him lately.
okay---nunya kids have commented or contributed to this thread, lately. i feel that is is a VERY interesting topic. Yup. We still have crime and wrecks and stuff, on a regular basis. on two days in a row, recently, i was the object of road ragers because i was only going the zact speed limit, and was in their way. See? too bad we lost Jane, she'd pprolly agree. yup.so yeah----say something. any more cops shot in herman, mo, lately?
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