Quote Originally Posted by littlebittybobby View Post
okay---I tell ya what---I got an idea for that lovely historic home in 'toona(IWAH, the meat state). See---I ran across this tourist attraction already located in 'toona, designed to draw 'em in like flies on fresh doo-doo(a little earthy NW IWAH humor, there)Ha. Anyway, it's a Faux Easter island statue(see photo), and I thought probly they could make a bunch more, and set 'em on the grounds of the stately estate of the Historic Home we're discussing. See? Just a suggestion. But yeah---I figure it would bee ahhh--summm and a-may-zeen, as they liketa say up there. Yup.Attachment 6221

sigh. I just want to shake the city fathers in Altoona and shout at them. “stop trying to make Altoona happen.
It never will. “ I’m not aware of that Easter island figure in a city park. Whatever will they think of next. That is Phyllis Murphy standing there in line in the green outfit.