So nice to have your good work validated, Tradd. Congrats!
On a related note, my son went to his staff meeting/party at the restaurant he's a server at. They announced that, per their July meeting, they would recognize with an end-of-year bonus all the people that received good reviews on Yelp and other social media. So they announced that four people would get a bonus--my son was one of them.
Then they puffed themselves up and said, "So, you will find that in your next paycheck you will have an extra $10."
As my astute DIL-to-be said, because they put in in their paychecks, that means it will be taxed, so it's "here's your $7.73." We just laughed over that. How clueless could an employer be? You can't get out of the parking garage for that.
Oh... and the staff party was a pot luck where everyone was supposed to bring something, but the owners of the place--a restaurant--brought nothing.