My holiday barometer is all about visuals. I like pretty winter decor, lights, charming Hallmark movie village scenes, you know, the typical stuff. Appropriate music helps set the scene but there’s so much Christmas music I dislike, that can be tricky. I’m not so much into food, alcohol, Christmas carols.
We’ve had three back to back such experiences in Hermann, and I expect this to be the last of our holiday celebration even though it’s coming early in the month.
The first experience is the tablescapes fundraiser in my town. Ladies decorate 1 of 15 tables and the historical society charges $5 to come in and view the decorated tables. Every table is done masterfully, decorated to the nines. I decorated a table this year in the theme “Christmas with the Addams family. “ These designers rachet up the glam and their tables are… Extra. I love extreme decorating!
Friday night we went to the “Beast Feast” at the winery down the block. It is a fundraiser for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. It was very nice with lots of great decor. The old stone building where it was held was lovely, and the food was great. Each year they collect donations from hunters to complete the menu. We had beaver, raccoon, spoonbill, wild hog as well as the more staid venison and Turducken. We sat at a table with jovial people we did not know. It was fun.
Last night we went to a Christmas party at the home of the car club President. Their very nice house had 71 Christmas trees. Yes! No exaggeration! And it was nicely decorated otherwise, a nice house that had been, as is typical in Hermann, built onto. I got a couple of decorating ideas from it.
They built a very nice 1 bedroom apartment onto their modest split level house, built it for their autistic son. Of course they added a garage to this new structure because they are car enthusiasts. Anyway, it was interesting to see how they added onto their house.
so, a very successful Holiday week with the locals. There were tourist festivities going on throughout this weekend but I stayed away from that madness! Haha,