Last week I went out in our backyard to put the cover on the grill before the last of our string of rainstorms. While I was out there I heard one of the coyotes howl, followed by all of his (her?) buddies running to him/her, and then MASS CHAOS. Barking and screaming coyotes and freaked out birds everywhere screeching like mad. I couldn't see what was going on since they were blocked from view by the trees on the wilderness hill behind our house. Then after about 3 minutes of nonstop very loud excitement... silence. I suspect they caught one of the turkeys and had it for dinner. The remaining turkey family (9 of them, down from 17 over the summer) came by today munching on the animal salad bar that is the hill behind our house. Another couple of months and there will be a whole new gaggle of baby turkeys and I suppose the whole cycle will start again.