okay---another one i always likes is " To the Moon and Back", by the quasi-group Savage Garden. But yeah--an Au record-producers' gem, that has all the good stuff. Yup.
okay---another one i always likes is " To the Moon and Back", by the quasi-group Savage Garden. But yeah--an Au record-producers' gem, that has all the good stuff. Yup.
okay--another you-tuber who is an immigrant and speaks perfect english has a U-tube video of him solo, playing waaay better blues guitar than bb king(libtard idol) OR Joe Bonnamassa(rednecked idol) on his video titled: "when someone requests a steve vai song". But yeah---you outta listen to it. He does really good. Yup.
okay-----last week---no wait---the week before last----I was listening to an old Rolling Stones tune which you could file under: "Baroque Rock", which went through a phase in the late-60's. The hard-rock groups all had there Baroque Rock song. But yeah---Those Stones had at least a couple tunes like that: "Lady Jane" and of course: "As Tears Go By". A good friend and associate of Mick Jagger also recorded it; coincidentally, she passed away in the last day or so. The good part of those songs was not really Jaggers vocals, but the instrumental parts, by a small orchestra. No doubt dubbed in at some point in the making of the record. I'm just sitting here, wondering if you kids can name anya the Baroque Rock songs from that period.
okay---'nother one I heard on a skating rink group or maybe a jumprope video is a recording given credit to vocalist Shakira called: Whenever, Wherever. I looked it up, and it's classified to be South American Folk Rock or some B.S., but I classify it as post-Donna Summer Disco ala Brill Building. But yeah---it sounds pretty good, is a studio masterpiece that is VERY catchy. Yup. I can't zackly classify it it as old or new. I guess 20 years ago is old. Thank mee.
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