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Thread: old music

  1. #211
    Senior Member littlebittybobby's Avatar
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    okay----in addition to the roller skating vidddeos that i waste hours and hours on, there is a gal from merry old England, Lauren age 33, who skips rope to skate music, while smiling. For an English, she has reasonably good teeth. But yeah---from Very Superstitious by S. Wonder all the way up to Dua Lips, a pretty wide range o' tunes, including the Bee Gees, of course. Lauren comments at times, and also has a nice creaky vocal fry, but doesn't overdo it. Yup.

  2. #212
    Senior Member littlebittybobby's Avatar
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    okay-----"wannabe" Spice girls. Yup, it's old music, from 1996. But yeah---isn't that something? Not my favorite skating song, but it'll work.

  3. #213
    Senior Member littlebittybobby's Avatar
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    okay----from 40 years ago(1984, 'cordin ta my calculations)--a song that was extremely popular in the former Axis countries that you love ta buy cars from. It's called: "Forever Young" by Alphaville. It sounds like symphony music there, but nooo---it's genuine synthesizer. But yeah---I know you kids'd rather WALK than buy a car made by the Good Guys. Allied Power sucks, right?

  4. #214
    Senior Member rosarugosa's Avatar
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    My almost-11-year-old Ford Focus was "Proudly Made in Detroit." It even has a sticker on it that says so.

  5. #215
    Senior Member littlebittybobby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rosarugosa View Post
    My almost-11-year-old Ford Focus was "Proudly Made in Detroit." It even has a sticker on it that says so.
    TYVM, for the clarification, RR. 'Nother thing that never ceases ta amayze meee is how Those Peace-Loveen 60's Hippies were so partial ta der Volkswaggens, especially Transporters(Buses). Yup. But yeah---they evidently knew nothing about cancel culture; only about campus sit-ins to protess the war of US aggression in SE Asia. See?

  6. #216
    Senior Member rosarugosa's Avatar
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    So I've been meaning to tell this anecdote for awhile, but I've been too lazy to type it.

    Several months ago, maybe in early spring, I got a song stuck in my head that they were playing in Market Basket. It was a pleasant tune. They have a playlist that tends towards mellow oldies rock. I didn't know the name of the song, and DH, my music guru, didn't know either from my lame attempts to hum it. It drove me sort of crazy, because it was stuck in my head, and I didn't know what it was - unknown alien brain intruder! The only thing I thought I had gathered from the lyrics was "time folds," or something that sounded like that. I spent a crazy amount of time trying to figure it out online, googling "time folds," "time flows," "time goes," you get the idea. I googled "Market Basket playlists," which is indeed a thing and listened to many short clips of songs that were not it. Yes, I can get a bit obsessive, lol.

    Well I was finally able to shove this into the back of my brain and proceed to live my life, and I had pretty much forgotten about it. Then on vacation in September, we were having dinner at The Tavern on the Hill in Easthampton, MA, and the song came on! I told DH it was The Song, but he didn't know the name! I asked our waitstaff, who was kind enough to check for me. She couldn't ID the song, but told me they played "Yacht Rock" on Spotify. So of course I installed Spotify on my phone and listened to snippets of songs from their Yacht Rock playlist, and I FOUND THE SONG!

    I can certainly be tenacious, although this was certainly not my most meaningful quest in life, lol.

    The Song is "Cool Change" by the Little River Band, and it is a pretty nice song.

  7. #217
    Senior Member catherine's Avatar
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    Cool story, rosa! Yes, it is so annoying when you can't remember the name of a song.

    To help you out next time, try Shazam, SoundHound or even Google, apparently:
    "Do any human beings ever realize life while they live it--every, every minute?" Emily Webb, Our Town

  8. #218
    Senior Member rosarugosa's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by catherine View Post
    Cool story, rosa! Yes, it is so annoying when you can't remember the name of a song.

    To help you out next time, try Shazam, SoundHound or even Google, apparently:
    And this is just one of many reasons I hang out with you guys! I will certainly keep this in mind for next time. I tried testing with Google. The first bars that were stuck in my head did not get a match, but another couple of bars got an accurate hit. However, I'm not sure it was a fair test, since I can hum the song a lot better now that I've identified it and listened to it several times. I hadn't even been paying attention to it in Market Basket that day; it just wormed its way into my brain like songs sometimes do.
    I have actually learned a lot from this Forum over the years though, so this Thanksgiving I will take the opportunity to say I am thankful for you, my SLF friends.

  9. #219
    Senior Member KayLR's Avatar
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    To piggyback on what Rosa said here, I add my thanks to this forum because I am still listening to Radio Paradise (online) as recommended by someone here many years ago. They have 4 channels now I think, having just added electronic chill.

  10. #220
    Senior Member littlebittybobby's Avatar
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    okay-----yah LRB, as the DJ called them. Late 70's; got played a lot on AM radio. They had another one called: "Reminiscing", which I liked better. Hope that helps you some. But yeah---to show my allegiance to the "winners" of WW2, when they actually LOST the war of English-Speaking aggression & the British Empire greatly declined & the Commies took over LARGE portions of Asia and Europe. Okay---what I was trying to say is that instead of owning an English car(ha), a French-built car(ha ha ha)or one made by our allies, the Ruskies(ha, ha, ha, ha, ha.), I resorted to purchasing an Australian-made car, that I hardly drive. It's a Holden Monaro, rebadged as a Ponnyac for the American Market. Only about 16,000 arrived here, that year, and ever since, the young punks have wrecked mosta them. On Cruise night though, I did see several of them out tearing up the streets. Those cars are doomed, in the hands of those hot-rodders. See? But, mine just sits. I need to go out and start it up, this weekend. Hope that helps you kids some.

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