Apologies in advance for those I might offend, but DH somehow discovered this yesterday (he has very eclectic taste) and I thought it was the best thing EVER!
Apologies in advance for those I might offend, but DH somehow discovered this yesterday (he has very eclectic taste) and I thought it was the best thing EVER!
okay------THAT is one of THE most wonderful songs I have ever heard! But yeah---if only they'da sampled the Mop-topped foursome from Beatpool in jolly olde England by preceding the poignant phrase "that looks fxxxing ugly, baby" with a round of "Yeah, yeah, yeahs", why---it would be even better. Yup. Hopefully, that group will be selling tickicks to their show up there in KC, so I can get me one. I know they won't be comin' here, because we are too ray-ciss. Yup.
okay----this is old; older'n you kids prolly. over 50 years! Yup. But anyway--I heard a song in the grocery store, and of course it was by the late Helen Reddy. Well, mosta her songs had lyrics of a libberistic-type themes, so I usually did not pay much attentionb to her, back then. But this one was not a libber song, but one she covered, called: "Peaceful", by Kenny Rankin. Well, I put on my headphones and listened to the Reddy & Rankin renditions and come to find out there was also one each by Bobby Gentry AND a guy named Georgie Fame. Both prior to the Helen Reddy version. I think the Georgie Fame version was prolly filler material for an album, no less. . But, it ties with hers for most-listenable. You also may've heard Georgie singing
"The Ballad of Bonnie and Clyde", which got lots of radio airplay in 1968. So there's that.
Last edited by littlebittybobby; 10-6-24 at 8:13pm.
okay---it's not real old, or real new. Take your pick. So anyway---on youtube, you can hear the Capitol Childrens Choir at Abbey Road Studio(where your idol 'Carts useta sing yeah, yeah, yeah, mee-shell, coo coo ca-joo!......)perform their rendition of "Sweet Child of Mine" by Guns n' Roses, which I know you'd pay $300 for a tickick to a HUGE arena ta see. But yeah---Capitol Childrens Choir. Excellent. Hope that helps you some.
okay----here's another good one by Alan Price. He is versatile and very talented and has been involved in a lot of projects at home in England, where he's a star. But yeah--in this 1965 recording, he puts Joe Bonamassa to shame. Price collaborated with Georgie Fame, too on other records. England is really the place, for real music, I must admit. Still---not gonna go there. They can come here, to America. But, it's a youtube vid of "I put a spell on You", a cover by Alan Price. Yup. Better listen to it, or else. Thank mee.
okay---I hadta stop listening to music on my hi-fi(cell phone & bluetooth heaphones) for awhile, due to the fact that I developed an earworm from several of the old pop music tunes I've listened to. Another one that infected me was one from about 25 years ago, called "Genie In a Bottle". Well, even though Christina Aquilera is given top billing on that one, it really is a group effort by a record company to produce a pop-ular song. See? But yeah--it got played on the ray-dio and of course hippies hated it because it wasn't "heavy" enough, like Slipknot or whoever. Or the lyrics weren't sentimental enough, like ole whats-his-face. But yeah--it was a VERY good composition, musically, if you ask me. Hope that helps you kids. Thankk mee.
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