Good job LBB, and happy belated birthday!
Good job LBB, and happy belated birthday!
Happy Birthday, LBB. Sounds like you did something you enjoyed for your birthday - nice!
To give pleasure to a single heart by a single act is better than a thousand heads bowing in prayer." Mahatma Gandhi
Be nice whenever possible. It's always possible. HH Dalai Lama
In a world where you can be anything - be kind. Unknown
Okay----TYVM, RR and HS. I had to leave the Catts Home Alone, while I was at the wreckin' Yard. But, they need their space for awhile, anyhow. But yeah---You kids are prolly aware of the fact that Dawn Platinum Dish detergent in the large economy size is THE best for cleaning up after a dirty job. It is way better than all the old hand cleaner. Way better. Yup. It is what you need after doing a Dirty Job. BTW, the Tee-Vee guy on the Dirty Jobs is NOT a veteran of a long career in dirty jobs. Nope. He is strictly a show-biz type. Early in his career, he was an opera singer, among other things. But yeah---he's got a lotta mooo-lah for portraying a working man on Tee-vvee, just like John Goodman. See? S'why I don't watch much Tee-vee--it is too phony. Yep. Hope that helps you some. Thankk mee. That being said---Thank You, too.
I believe I learned it from someone on the Forum here, but a 50:50 mix of blue Dawn and hydrogen peroxide is a fantastic stain remover for clothing.
Okay----one o' my case studies took the week off from a health-care job, to travel alllllll the way upta northern minnasoooota to attend the wedding of the daughter of a grade-school chum. But yeah---long way ta travel for any reason. Specially this time o' year, when it's still pretty chilly up north, and steamy already in Zurra. Somebody axxed her to recommend some good restaurants waaaay up dere, and she recited from memory the names of 4 or 5. But yeah---my case study is a travelholic foodie. And it shows. Ha.
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