Living in Florida around lots of retirees watching people age is fascinating. I've developed a friendship with two women and we have really worked together to be as healthy as possible. We go to the pool each morning. Other activities include a combo Tai Chi, meditation and chair yoga class, and on our own do many other activities. We encourage each other to stay active and eat healthily. Luckily we all are frugal and much more minimalist than average.
Our discussion today was aging in place. When you reach 80 or whatever the number is for you, and don't feel comfortable driving, living alone and so on, what are your plans?
The 81 year old widow is on an independent living list and her house is ready to go on the market. The 64 YO has a much older husband but he refuses to stop driving, drinking, eating right so she has really becoming very independent of him. He has lots of Serious medical problems, so she has plans to move near her kids if she is alone. I do some activities with DH, some with others and some alone. we share chores.
My plan is to stay in my house hopefully with DH still around, and gradually add in housekeeper, use delivery, uber type service etc. until it is not safe or we do not want the responsibility that comes with home ownership. At that time we will get an apartment or rent a house. Either here or closer to the kids. I've told my kids to tell us if they feel it
is becoming dangerous for us to live here. Then we will talk to them before we make any decisions. I feel it is very selfish to be unsafe to yourself or others and stay in your house and worrying your kids half to death. We've seen it happen, and it is incredibly hard on the kids and leaves them bitter and worn out. we are all going to go eventually.
My problem with independent living is the significant buy in and the fact they can change hands.
Have you made plans?