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Thread: Job hunt

  1. #1
    Senior Member Tradd's Avatar
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    Job hunt

    Thought I’d detail my job hunt.

    I reactivated my LinkedIn profile and was contacted by a recruiter. The job they were trying to interest me in was pretty much the same of what I do now, but with a 25 minute longer drive and a $15K pay cut.

    Hell, no!

  2. #2
    Senior Member
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    Makes sense, the lack of disability accommodations is a reason enough to look elsewhere, but doesn't mean one has to take just anything.
    Trees don't grow on money

  3. #3
    Senior Member Tradd's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ApatheticNoMore View Post
    Makes sense, the lack of disability accommodations is a reason enough to look elsewhere, but doesn't mean one has to take just anything.
    It’s not just that. There’s a customer who is abusive in both emails and phone calls. He’s called me a lazy bitch. Owners won’t say a thing to them as we make lots of $$ off them. I’m not allowed to say anything. The guy’s staff sends emails consistently late for important stuff to be done and he goes off on me instead and I’m supposed to deal with it? Hell, no!

  4. #4
    Senior Member Teacher Terry's Avatar
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    That’s indeed horrible Tradd!! No wonder you are looking for a new job.

  5. #5
    Senior Member
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    Good luck with your job search.
    Are you familiar with for job searching advice?

  6. #6
    Senior Member Tradd's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by chrisgermany View Post
    Good luck with your job search.
    Are you familiar with for job searching advice?
    Yes, I am, thank you!

  7. #7
    Senior Member Tradd's Avatar
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    Man, another reason to be gone from current job. Owner comes in this morning and is pushing EV. We have to be more green, he says. I didn’t say a word. There’s no charging at home and a good number of us rent or live in older condo complexes where wiring would have to be massively upgraded to allow for home charging. For some of the newer folks, an EV would probably be close to a year’s salary. If he really wants to be green, he could let us work from home, but that won’t ever happen.

  8. #8
    Senior Member Teacher Terry's Avatar
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    It’s none of his business what cars his employees drive.

  9. #9
    Senior Member Tradd's Avatar
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    Talked with a friend who is a recently retired employment attorney over the weekend. Other people I know had suggested a lawsuit over hostile workplace due to the one customer, plus filing a complaint with the state labor board. Friend said while the situation I’m in sucks, a lawsuit/complaint to the state? Nope.

  10. #10
    Senior Member
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    We calculated the cost of an EV, a hybrid or a gas powered replacement car. We could afford any of them. Decided to simply drive much less, group necessary trips and live more simply. Thus we choose the much cheaper gas powered but one that right now is getting us over 35 miles per gallon. We fill up at max once a month.

    Got to just ignore comments about lifestyle that do not fit your own plan and life. A friend has an EV and they plan on an EV truck. BUT, they also have massive solar panels and do not rely on power plants to power their cars or home. I just ignore the comments on why we should think about an EV.

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