I don't know whether this falls under "Food & Recipes," "Frugality," or "Environment.
Do you use leftovers?
When my brother and I went to visit our other brother in MN in the summer, we were talking about using up the previous nights dinner that night and my SIL said "J doesn't eat leftovers." And I asked my brother, "You don't?" and he made a "Yuck!" face.
This week we are in NJ helping my son with the 2 boys while his wife is on a business trip, and they also tend not to eat leftovers.
DH and I definitely try to eat everything, and incorporate small bits of leftovers into the next night's dinner, or a soup. But I know that a lot of people don't eat leftovers--do you?
I follow Paul Hawken's Project Drawdown about how much carbon is involved in everything and how we can mitigate climate change by taking actions, either on an industrial scale or an individual scale. They have found that food waste is the biggest impact on climate change in terms of gigatons of carbon it's responsible for. That's one reason I try not to waste food, but the main reason is wasting food is wasting money.
What do you think?