Inappropriate bathroom behaviors can indicate a medical problem, but it's hard to address if you don't know who the culprit is. These situations are frustrating, and I'm sorry you are dealing with this.
Inappropriate bathroom behaviors can indicate a medical problem, but it's hard to address if you don't know who the culprit is. These situations are frustrating, and I'm sorry you are dealing with this.
okay----TYVM, RR, for your input on the situation. I will do my best to identify the perpetrator, so I can address the issue. I need summa those surveillance cameras, like they use to track down the assassins of greedy & ruthless CEOs. Meanwhile, I will use scrap plywood to make covers for the affected areas. The cardboard cover worked fine for the stove, until they destroyed it. Hope that helps me some. Thank you. Yup.
okay---while we(I) am on the subject of pett catts, I liketa know if anya ever had catts that are closely related? Just curious.
None of my cats have ever been related to one another biologically.
okay---I telll you what---starting with the time I picked up a cat trying to get into walmart 25 years ago, I've taken in several pregnant catss & gave them and their offspring permanent homes with mee. That makes me pretty eccentric, doesn't it? So yeah---it's interesting to see how bonded they are, by their interaction. Catts make good petts, yup.
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