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Thread: Spring Challenge 2024

  1. #11
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    We decided to take option 1 for the trip so it will be Atlanta - home - Richmond - home. Didn't want to impose on our friend when he is at the busiest time of year and our Raleigh friends will be out of town.

    Found the pattern, it was with the yarn I put aside for the project.

  2. #12
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    Hana, Don't you love when you have put things together....then look for one part-pattern- and it is right where it needed to be? Always makes me feel clever but foolish for not remembering!

  3. #13
    Senior Member rosarugosa's Avatar
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    The bookcase is all painted, and the rolling pantry is all prepped and painted.

  4. #14
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    Update before the trip

    Figure out Spring trip logistics done
    Work on trunk quilts all blocks done, April quilt done
    Knit socks 60% done
    Knit new cardigan pattern just started
    Take items to Goodwill done
    Sort winter gear in progress

    Leaving ton the spring trip early tomorrow so here's an update. April trunk quilt is done and ready for delivery which will happen next week. Started the cardigan and finished a sock. Started the second sock and will take it on the trip. Put away the fleece lined jeans and husband will put away the duvet once the cover is washed. Caved in and started the A/C yesterday since it was in the 80s inside and we were both sweating. Of course a storm will hit the area when we're gone and drop the temperature. Will put the rest of the winter gear away in early May.

  5. #15
    Senior Member rosarugosa's Avatar
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    Enjoy your trip, Hana!
    I'm making good progress on the windows.
    Instead of visiting facilities, I had Mom evaluated for in-home hospice care (she has declined quite a bit). She isn't eligible yet, but the RN said she is very close and would most likely be eligible for in-home palliative care, so we have an eval for that scheduled for 4/30. We would like to keep her at home as long as possible. When she is alone, she mostly sleeps, so we are fortunate that she is not inclined to wander or burn the house down or anything.

  6. #16
    Senior Member iris lilies's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rosarugosa View Post
    Enjoy your trip, Hana!
    I'm making good progress on the windows.
    Instead of visiting facilities, I had Mom evaluated for in-home hospice care (she has declined quite a bit). She isn't eligible yet, but the RN said she is very close and would most likely be eligible for in-home palliative care, so we have an eval for that scheduled for 4/30. We would like to keep her at home as long as possible. When she is alone, she mostly sleeps, so we are fortunate that she is not inclined to wander or burn the house down or anything.
    oh rosa, I am sorry to hear your mother is entering this end phase of life.I’m glad you and your sister are there to help her through it. You are being proactive! Good for you.

  7. #17
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    So sorry to hear about your mother, rosa. I hope you and your sister are able to work things out for her.
    To give pleasure to a single heart by a single act is better than a thousand heads bowing in prayer." Mahatma Gandhi
    Be nice whenever possible. It's always possible. HH Dalai Lama
    In a world where you can be anything - be kind. Unknown

  8. #18
    Senior Member rosarugosa's Avatar
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    Thanks for the good thoughts. It's a sucky situation, but at least we have a small but mighty team working harmoniously to support her.

  9. #19
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    rosa, sorry to hear about your mother's decline. Glad she can spend the rest of her days in a familiar place. My uncle and grandma's doctor decided she needed to go to a memory care since she started wandering and falling during the night.

    The April quilt is in the car and will be given to the recipient this weekend. I'll start on the two quilts for BiL and SiL when we get back. Not sure on delivery date since we not sure when we will visit.

  10. #20
    Senior Member iris lilies's Avatar
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    I won’t take the test. Any American who assumes they are living lightly on earth is pretty delusional.

    Same thing with Americans who whine about the 1%. Americans ARE the 1% worldwide, or at least the 5%.

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