A friend of mine walked off, and we're all so proud of her. She's been at this small company for at least 40 years and was always overlooked for higher positions, and always given a lot of the work others didn't want. A new younger girl came in and was hired as an office manager but didn't really do anything. My friend took a Friday off and popped in that Saturday to see what her desk was like (they would just pile up everything for her to do that should have been done by others). She cleaned out her desk, left a short note and walked out, never to return. They're screwed because no one bothered to learn how to do anything because she did it all. Luckily she had lots of stock options in the company and could afford to retire.
I didn't walk off a job, but did skip out the door of one. For about 8 months I worked one evening a week at a busy health food store to earn extra money. Someone warned me that I was being blamed for a lot of the things not getting done, simply because I wasn't there to defend myself. An example was not cleaning the floor under the mat at the register. Someone is in charge of cleaning the floors every night after closing.....why was it only my fault it wasn't done? The store was constantly being rearranged and sometimes I didn't know where things were moved to. One day I showed up my usual time and was told I was being let go. What a relief! I haven't been back there since then, about 13 years. I keep thinking I should go in there with a mask on and have a look around. The essential oil smell may bring back bad memories. They've expanded since I was there last so I'm curious what it's like now.
I do remember that I walked off a job. I was 21 and in my first year of teaching. On Friday nights I worked at a pizza, bar place for extra money. One night there was a domestic fight, bottles thrown. I left to never return. I did tell the owner I would not be back.
I did once, in my 20s. Worked night shift at a bank processing transactions, checks, etc. I'd been there a couple years, a lot longer than many, never no-showed, even came in when they told me I had to after having a wisdom tooth removed. (wow, you should've seen how sheepish they looked when they saw my swollen face) There was an opening for an assistant supervisor and I was really hoping to get it ---and should have, was qualified -- but was passed over. The supervisor selected a friend she took smoke breaks with. Getting on the elevator that morning I told her I wouldn't be in the next night, or ever. I was pissed.
My therapist told me the way to achieve true inner peace is to finish what I start. So far today, I have finished two bags of M&Ms and a chocolate cake. I feel better already!
no, never, not without another job lined up and even then giving 2 weeks notice. Now there have probably been jobs I would have been better off if I walked off, an abusive one comes to mind. But just not a risk taker that way to walk off with nothing lined up.
Trees don't grow on money
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