My mom who is 86 has reached the point where unless it's on TV, she doesn't believe it happened. I work for the Police and would let her know of some "interesting" stuff going on like police chases, foot pursuits, etc. Her line is always "There's nothing on TV about it." I try to explain to her that the Police don't report everything to the news or else it would be pretty much non-stop. Last night there was a homicide. Two people shot and one died. We were emailing back and forth and my mom tells me that no one died. I assured her that someone did in fact die and it's the talk of the day so far at work... at the Police Department. She tells me that the TV reporter said that both people are in critical condition and that no one died. I basically told her that she can believe whoever she wants but I'm believing the Police because THEY WERE THERE! She told me she's going to believe the reporter. I decided it was best to just stop emailing her back at this point because there is nothing I can say to make her believe me.