Well, I remember the hub-bub around the Nixon-Kennedy debates when I was 4, because my sister's employers were Catholic, and it was much discussed. I also clearly remember the palpable fear and concern during the Cuban Missile Crisis, as we lived between the Miamisburg Mound Laboratories and Wright-Patterson AFB, which at the time was a SAC base. We actually watched the news on TV, something we seldom did, because getting a signal from it was a LOT of work, apparently. I remember Dad standing behind it, fiddling with the antenna, and then blocking everyone's view while he tried to adjust the horizonal and vertical controls. We did bomb drills at school, it seemed like daily - but probably wasn't. I was in first grade, and we learned how to spell Khrushchev, for some unknown reason - maybe one of us asked? But I still remember it, lol.