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Thread: Loss of a friend.

  1. #1
    Senior Member
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    Loss of a friend.

    My girlfriend today was saying to me she doesn't understand how I know so much about certain celebs, and some about sports but not seemingly know enough or care to watch sports. Thankfully, we didn't get into country music, as I have met seems like a lot of them, and haven't had a clue who many were.

    A few weeks ago, I don't know why, but I put his name into Ebay and found a picture of him and our friend when he signed his big contract. I bought the picture and sent it off to him to get him to sign it and not have our friend sign (didn't want to devalue the picture). Found out Wednesday that he passed away and the picture was on his desk. Picture on it's way back, and I think I will frame it and give it to our friend, as he is having a hard time with this as he had been his agent/lawyer since he was 19. Seems strange but not the first time this has happened where we would be one of the last to get an autograph or information from someone. Barry Axlerod you will be missed, by those that knew you and I have been hearing about you from the sports community.

  2. #2
    Senior Member
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    Tms, I am sorry for your loss. The older I get, the more I miss those who are gone.

  3. #3
    Senior Member
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    Ditto what early morning said. So sorry for your loss.
    To give pleasure to a single heart by a single act is better than a thousand heads bowing in prayer." Mahatma Gandhi
    Be nice whenever possible. It's always possible. HH Dalai Lama
    In a world where you can be anything - be kind. Unknown

  4. #4
    Senior Member
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    I am sorry for your loss, TMS. The older I get the more old friends are on the other side, so to speak, and it is a very strange and lonely feeling.

  5. #5
    Senior Member gimmethesimplelife's Avatar
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    I will never forget August 3rd, 2021. This is the day that likely the best friend I am ever going to have in this life passed due to drug addiction. I can totally relate to the above - this has been so hard for me and continues to be. Now, his name was Tim and nothing ever happened between us that way which makes this all so much more special for me. Both of us equal extreme introverts and sigmas to some degree - it's like the moment we meant we knew we had found a safe person who understood.

    I kick myself to this day that I did not get down to Tucson (where he was living) more often after his Mom died and left him a small fortune that he smoked and shoved up his nose and to this day I feel guilty that I was not there more for him. Matter of fact, two days ago I cried for the first time in a few years as I had lost my phone and put in an insurance claim for a replacement - and on this phone, the pics of our last outing together synched over. Chirachua (misspelled) National Monument, Bisbee, and Wilcox. Also Mission San Xavier del Bac.

    I miss him. No one will ever replace him. Rob

  6. #6
    Senior Member gimmethesimplelife's Avatar
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    And I forgot to add that I'm also sorry for your loss, TMS. I'm finding over time this isn't especially easier to deal with but it is easier to carry one with life. Rob

  7. #7
    Senior Member Tradd's Avatar
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    Tms, so sorry for your loss.

  8. #8
    Senior Member iris lilies's Avatar
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    Losing friends and even acquaintances is hard. I have entered into that season of life.

    Rob, it is tough that you lost the one friend who you felt close to. It is tragic when young people die of drug use, and I have seen that scenario play out a few times where parental inheritances just hasten an inevitable death by addiction.

  9. #9
    Senior Member gimmethesimplelife's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by iris lilies View Post
    Losing friends and even acquaintances is hard. I have entered into that season of life.

    Rob, it is tough that you lost the one friend who you felt close to. It is tragic when young people die of drug use, and I have seen that scenario play out a few times where parental inheritances just hasten an inevitable death by addiction.
    Thank You, IL. Very deep thanks to you. Rob

  10. #10
    Senior Member littlebittybobby's Avatar
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    okay----tough up, don't be a weenie. I've lost practically everyone, and you don't see MEE sniveling! Nope. That ol' gal I used to stalk, back when she was 15 is making excuses to weasel out of being my "friend", but what the heck---that figures, and I could care less! Go ahead, make my day! I had some white trash couple currently living in Florida, post on F-Book RAGBRAI(biking) group boasting about how they rode a 70 mile "training" ride in (flat) Florida on EBikes(for weenies), and I flat told 'em they better cancel their plans for RAGBRAI! Ha. TRUTH hurts weenies. . They sent me a vulgar & profane PM, and I told 'em that's REAL classy of you. Ha. I could care less about WHAT they think. Yup. My Bratty catt Fluffykins scratched me last nite, for no apparent reason(see photo), and I could care less. I accept her as she is(a bratty catt) and don't worry about it. So anyway---man up & toughen up and get out there and find the best deal on a nice, well-drained cemetery plot, so your coffin doesn't flood. You're gonna need it. A good friend of mine whose famly was in the funeral business told me about the certain soggy cemeteries, here. Yup. Hope that helps you some. Thankk Mee. Edited to add: Should I call the po-leese and have Fluffy JAILED for Dom Ass? Not Hardly. Ha. Nope. 2024-05-19 (21).jpgEdited to add: Church Guy's boy just told me that the neighbor on the west side of him "passed-away" at home, late last night. But yeah--she'd had cancer for several years. She called 9-11(not on me, so don't assume THAT), but by the time the EMT's got there, she was gone, gone, gone. But yeah---her husband of 40 years suicided himself 3 years ago in their car, and littlebittymee helped clean up the MESS. But, that's the way it goes, right? I got projects n pets ta see to, today. Not gonna sit around moping. See"? Just wondering if the stigmatized house(and car) will lower property values? Thankk mee.
    Last edited by littlebittybobby; 5-21-24 at 2:13pm.

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