DH and I were talking about an upcoming event here at a local winery--an evening of music from Broadway musicals by professional actors/singers. Tickets are $32. It would nice--that winery has very pleasant outdoor events.
So DH said at one point I'd like to invite the minister. Then today he said, "I have an idea--Let's bring [another couple we know] and [the minister] for an afternoon trip on the boat and then we can go to the Broadway event." We had a disagreement when he said that we would pay for their tickets to the show. I said, no, our contribution is the boat trip before the show. They would pay for their own tickets. He couldn't even comprehend that. He said he would never invite someone to something and not pay their way.
I continued to protest saying that no one has ever paid for my ticket when we all decide to attend an event together. It's never expected. We would just say, "hey, we're going to this show. Want to come? We'll take you out on the boat before we go and then we can go together." What's wrong with that?
Do you think an offer or suggestion to go to an event with a friend implies that YOU will pay for it? He said will not ask them at all if I insist that they pay their own way to the show. (This is so typical of DH's thought pattern. Sometimes I think he feels he has to buy his friends, when he clearly does not. Everybody loves him--and not for his "wealth" either.)
Or am I being cheap?