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Thread: Do you have AC in your house/apt?

  1. #11
    Senior Member
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    We have window units in two upstairs bedrooms, and plenty of fans. It's not perfect but it's livable.

  2. #12
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    Small 60s rancher. When we moved here in the 70s-young and strong! We had two window AC that we'd remove every season. Then added a huge one in the kitchen that was not moved, just covered in the winter and eliminated the other window AC as I hated how dark it made the rooms. Then we bought another for our bedroom. In 2018 we decided to get central. They had to put ductwork in the attic. It has been wonderful!!! It went out the other day in 90 degrees and we had to remember what we used to do. Whole house fan( which we had put in in 92- was a revelation! and floor fans in the night. Luckily the guy came the next day and put in more gas. Growing up in Pgh.we didn't even have fans. It was brutal, but we survived. Not now!

  3. #13
    Senior Member littlebittybobby's Avatar
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    well, sometimes & sometimes not. see---it really isn't good to keep the whole house under AC. reason is, the change from inside to outside is too drastic. so anyway---lately i been refridgerating the back bedroom as my cool-down room, and the window open and fans going in the front room. today it is about 95 & very humid. so yeah---hydration is necessary. Zurra took many years to get accustomed to, with the heat humidity, bugs & vegetation. yup. hope that helps you some. thankk mee.

  4. #14
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    Coming up on 34 years in this house and never had a/c. Ceiling fans and other fans. We survive.
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  5. #15
    Senior Member rosarugosa's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by happystuff View Post
    Coming up on 34 years in this house and never had a/c. Ceiling fans and other fans. We survive.
    We made if for 31 years before we caved. Always wanted ceiling fans, but our ceilings are too low and DH and some of our friends are too tall, so risk of decapitation was too great, lol.

  6. #16
    Senior Member catherine's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rosarugosa View Post
    We made if for 31 years before we caved. Always wanted ceiling fans, but our ceilings are too low and DH and some of our friends are too tall, so risk of decapitation was too great, lol.
    Haha! I so identify, rosa! We do have ceiling fans and we issue hardhats to everyone over 5'9" who comes through our doors! (not really, but we definitely jump to turn off the fans if they're on!). Our house is definitely either a house Mr. Tumnus would be comfortable in!
    "Do any human beings ever realize life while they live it--every, every minute?" Emily Webb, Our Town

  7. #17
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    the change from inside to outside is too drastic
    I agree. I recall living in Texas how it felt to go back and forth from frigid AC to 100+ heat in the summer. I always wonder how people would survive in that heat if the power went out for days on end. DHs said his grandparents would sit outside under the pecan trees in the hottest part of the day and not move around much. Big noisy box fans in the house.

  8. #18
    Senior Member jp1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rosarugosa View Post
    We made if for 31 years before we caved. Always wanted ceiling fans, but our ceilings are too low and DH and some of our friends are too tall, so risk of decapitation was too great, lol.
    LOL. That reminds me of a party I went to in college in Miami. A friend’s parents were selling their house so it was empty and for some insane reason they let him host a party. It had ceiling fans and we had put a table for some sort of beer chugging party under it. At one point my friend D won a round and threw his hands up in celebration. One of the blades hit his arm and got knocked off. No injury. Then a few rounds later my friend B won a round and also threw his hands up to celebrate his win. Another blade got knocked off but this time the blade hit B’s wrist before flying off, causing B to begin to bleed profusely. Enough that he had to go to the ER for stitches. The joke for a week after was that D and B both fought the ceiling fan but that D won the fight and B lost the fight.

  9. #19
    Senior Member jp1's Avatar
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    More to the point of this thread my grandparents spent the last 30 years of their life in an old farmhouse in southwest Missouri. Five or six years before grandpa passed away they finally decided to get a window unit for their bedroom. They loved it so much that the next spring they splurged on central a/c even though that meant having ductwork installed, a transformer upgrade, etc. It definitely made summer visits to such a hot, humid place much more pleasant even though they always set it at around 77 or 78.

  10. #20
    Senior Member iris lilies's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jp1 View Post
    More to the point of this thread my grandparents spent the last 30 years of their life in an old farmhouse in southwest Missouri. Five or six years before grandpa passed away they finally decided to get a window unit for their bedroom. They loved it so much that the next spring they splurged on central a/c even though that meant having ductwork installed, a transformer upgrade, etc. It definitely made summer visits to such a hot, humid place much more pleasant even though they always set it at around 77 or 78.
    Old people get cold if it is cooler than 77 or 78.

    signed Iris, old person

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