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Thread: Let the debate begin?

  1. #71
    Senior Member Tradd's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by iris lilies View Post
    President Biden is in Wisconsin campaigning this afternoon and he’s shouting with vitality and he assured everyone he’s not dropping out of the race and he is by God going to “beat Trump in 2020.”

    Yes, he really said that.

    Where is the hook to remove him from this stage of politics?
    A Madison friend was actually at Biden’s rally today. She said he was on his game, but of course, he was reading from a teleprompter.

  2. #72
    Senior Member iris lilies's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tradd View Post
    A Madison friend was actually at Biden’s rally today. She said he was on his game, but of course, he was reading from a teleprompter.
    In the clip I saw of him today in Wisconsin he was not out of it at all and his date faux pas wouldn't be a big deal if we weren’t all sore and tired from the bullshit of last week.

    Resign, Joe, resign.

  3. #73
    Simpleton Alan's Avatar
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    One of his supporters had a "Pass the torch Joe" sign.

    "Things should be made as simple as possible, but not one bit simpler." ~ Albert Einstein

  4. #74
    Senior Member iris lilies's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by catherine View Post
    I think that the way the Supreme Court is chosen automatically compromises the checks and balances of the legislative and executive branches. The left-leaning justices will vote for Roe v Wade every time. The right-wing justices will vote to limit abortion rights every time. They are human beings, and the scales of justice are definitely tipped in one way or another, depending upon which way the wind is blowing.

    Freedom and democracy mean different things to different people. Some think freedom is the unfettered right to bear arms, no matter who owns them, and what kind of arms they bear. Others feel freedom is the right to send children to school without the fear of them being terrorized and killed in a massacre by an AK-47--wielding mentally ill individual.

    I personally feel that the freedoms of everyday citizens are limited by the whims of the oligarchy. I think that believing we're free is part illusion, because of the money that is used to support that belief.

    I fear for Steve Bannon and DJT and their ilk to seize power because I truly believe that they do not have the common good at heart. I'm not saying there aren't powerful Democrats wielding their swords as well, but I think if I were to lose freedoms by one party vs the other, I'd opt for the party that takes away the freedom to outlaw the common rights of its citizens whether we "approve" of them or not. I vote for metrics that take into account more than GDP and Wall Street stock prices.

    This article is scary.

    The ultra-right wants to return to what they wrongly believe is a "Christian" nation and that alone make me skeptical that democracy will thrive under the next administration if DJT winds up back in the White House. And, as someone who believes that the health of the natural world is essential to survival, I fear for propaganda that perpetrates the narrative that we are the masters of the universe and that the ecosystem is so much bitcoin for trading. If we are bible-thumping people--haven't we learned anything from Noah? Are we going to have to scramble to save the last of our non-human brothers and sisters? Or ourselves--just to maintain our current lifestyle?
    I cani’t read the article, but .steve Bannon is creepy.

  5. #75
    Senior Member gimmethesimplelife's Avatar
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    We're getting worried here even more at Casa Rob's. After the Supreme Court decision seemingly making the President above the law, Trump will be furthered emboldened to carry out his Authoritarian Dictatorship threats. This can not end well.....but long view I do believe a Trump victory will serve to split this country apart faster, likely something long term best for this nation irregardless. Rob

  6. #76
    Senior Member Tradd's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gimmethesimplelife View Post
    We're getting worried here even more at Casa Rob's. After the Supreme Court decision seemingly making the President above the law, Trump will be furthered emboldened to carry out his Authoritarian Dictatorship threats. This can not end well.....but long view I do believe a Trump victory will serve to split this country apart faster, likely something long term best for this nation irregardless. Rob
    You could always make a run for the border!

  7. #77
    Senior Member rosarugosa's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by iris lilies View Post
    Well, Sam Harris did say he would vote for Joe Biden‘s pickled head in a jar before he would vote for Donald Trump.

    Sam Harris is a thought leader for me in many instances.
    I too would vote for Biden's pickled head in a jar over Trump, but why are those my choices? I mean WTF? With all the people in this country, how is this the choice we are facing? It makes my head hurt.

  8. #78
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    As a whole, it feels like our populace has gotten very stupid the past few years.

  9. #79
    Senior Member SiouzQ.'s Avatar
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    Like watching the movie "Idiocracy" all over again.

    I wish Joe would get a grip on how much people want him to pass the torch. It's not enough to say "I'm in it to win it" when there is SO MUCH at stake! You can forcefully spout slogans all day long but it doesn't change ANYTHING. I roll my eyes at stupid empty slogans anyway because they remind of an old job of mine as a window dresser/display person at a high-end department store back in the late '90's. After every morning meeting the store manager made us shout "Yes we can!" at the top of our lungs and I absolutely inwardly cringed during it. I always stood in the back and refused to go along. Two years later the company went bankrupt.

    Shouting that slogan en masse did nothing to change shifting consumer tastes, just as praying and forcefully shouting empty slogans that you'll win the next election isn't going to do a damn thing. The perceptions gleaned from that debate debacle will not change now no matter how many times he insists that he can still do the job effectively. Joe IS TOO OLD and the expectations are simply unrealistic that he will be able to maintain his stamina and mental acuity. Joe has got a lot done in the past 3.5 years and should stand proudly on that record of navigating our way out of the Covid crisis. Really I am pissed at the DNC for its ineptitude over the years. They have never learned to play the long game and as a result has strategically lost to the Republican Party, whose been at this power chess game for DECADES.

  10. #80
    Senior Member Tradd's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pinkytoe View Post
    As a whole, it feels like our populace has gotten very stupid the past few years.
    Yes, and the rural/small town people I come across online are the stupidest of the stupid. Conspiracy theory stuff left and right.

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