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Thread: How much should you mow?

  1. #11
    Senior Member
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    My husband has become more concerned about the state of the lawn. He mows much more than when we worked. A riding mower for about an acre. We have a meadow that we pay to have mown. He has learned that it doesn't all have to be mowed in one day! It is about once a week and weed eating once a month. I edge the flower beds but when I get lax, he'll weed whack the edges, too. No fertilizer, pesticide. He likes to keep the critters-snakes, mice,ticks away that come with higher grass.

  2. #12
    Senior Member rosarugosa's Avatar
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    Eastern Massachusetts
    LBB: How often do you mow?

  3. #13
    Senior Member littlebittybobby's Avatar
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    okay---yeah hey rr; I wouldA responded sooner to that question you axed mee,, but I been busy combating the spread of godless vegetation, pluss keeping litter boxes clean & food dishes filled. plus, repainting a piece of furniture I made in 1974. but yeah---I mow too .much but not enough. see? (to be continued)thanks mee

  4. #14
    Senior Member rosarugosa's Avatar
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    Eastern Massachusetts
    I think I might see. Would this mean that you mow too much from your point of view, but not enough to satisfy picky lawn-obsessed neighbors?

  5. #15
    Senior Member littlebittybobby's Avatar
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    okay----noneuvum are picky, lawn-obsessed, nor am I motivated ta please them. but yeah---at least one has the notion that being manly by stuff such as having a "sharp truck"/and mowing to excess are essential. yup. But as I mentioned, to me it really has no sociological/psychological value. Keeping the vegetation cleared around your abode is kind of essential, as it reduces habitat for critters you don't want, eliminates noxious weeds such as poison ivy, etc., and the random growth of softwood trees that grow rapidly and topple on your home & vehicles, etc. Too much shade facilitates mold growth on buildings. It is not so much a matter of esthetics or status, but a purely practical matter. Yup. but yeah---hope that helps you some.

  6. #16
    Senior Member littlebittybobby's Avatar
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    okay-----Lonnie Moe passed away, last week. i need to x-plain just who lonnie mow was. see---the house down the street where the couple lived and died recently had owned the place since 2000. prior to that, there was a couple who lived there 7-8 years, and priot to that, "gramps" lived there maybe a year or two. probably, he moved on because he dreaded mowing the large lot & the sound---the roar of the adjacent interstate highway. but yeah----before that, lonnie mow & his twin wife lived there until 92. lonnie got married at 18 & drove a delivery truck for 40 years that bore the slogan: "it pays to keep clean". lonnie & his female counterpart were both blonde & of german descent, and liked to keep things nice & tidy, and of course---that meant frequent mowing; the whole 2 acres, crew cut. but they moved on to an upgrade, and then another upgrade. but then---just now, i saw his obituary, at age 68. it said he was devoted to his female counterpart, his VERY interesting job driving a van that said: "it pays to keep clean", and of course mowing. that was the thing, with that guy. he made several comments to me that indicated that neatness & order were VERY important to him, like any good german-american. jah. hope that helps you kids some. thankk mee.

  7. #17
    Senior Member littlebittybobby's Avatar
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    okay----I have not done much mowing, lately, because of the dry weather. But, last week, It was necessary to mow the back yard, so I did that. Hope that helps you some. Thankk Mee.

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