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Thread: You know when you read stories of closing stores.....

  1. #11
    Senior Member rosarugosa's Avatar
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    We have a few Big Lots around here that are closing, but I've never been in one, so it doesn't really affect me personally.

  2. #12
    Senior Member iris lilies's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rosarugosa View Post
    We have a few Big Lots around here that are closing, but I've never been in one, so it doesn't really affect me personally.
    DH LOVES Big Lots but I do not know why. It is full of junk. Actually, he doesn’t go there but he pretends to love it just to irritate me.

  3. #13
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    We used to have a Big Lots in the area, but it closed about 3-4 years ago. Yes, it was mostly pretty useless stuff, but every now and then I would find something useful and worth buying. My yoga mat bag, for example. Still going strong after many years and only $5!
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  4. #14
    Senior Member littlebittybobby's Avatar
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    okay-----you kids don't seem ta realize how many trips Big Lots has saved me inta wall-market. Yup. Plus, waaaay back when they sold "guy stuff", I got a motor crane pretty cheap that I have used many, many times. Plus, they usedta carry Nybco-brand aerosol spray paint and other useful items. SD cards. Both of my Sirius receivers. All going on 20 to-30 years old, now. So, yeah; I hate ta see the decline of Big Lots. They usta also sell trees there--fruit tree saplings, that is, for pretty cheap. Yup.

  5. #15
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    DH was in the grocery biz for much of his career and explained it thus. C & S who would be "buying" the closed Safeways (at least in this state) is a wholesaler. At some point, they would most likely sell the physical stores to other grocers but put in the contract that they remain the primary provider of grocery items which is really all they want to be.

  6. #16
    Senior Member catherine's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by iris lilies View Post
    DH LOVES Big Lots but I do not know why. It is full of junk. Actually, he doesn’t go there but he pretends to love it just to irritate me.
    We have (in NJ, not VT) Job Lots which is probably similar. We LOVE it. It has good stuff, like a huge wall of Bob's Red Mill products. Great prices on other things. I can do without a bunch of chain stores, but I love Ocean State Job Lots. When we drive to NJ to see my son, we always stock up on stuff.

    On the topic, my BIL has been employed by an Albertson's store in VT and he hasn't said anything about any takeovers.

    We don't have any supermarkets in the Islands. I shop off-island about once a month. our two little markets are both family-owned and I try to buy from them as much as I can.
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  7. #17
    Senior Member rosarugosa's Avatar
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    Catherine: I really like Ocean State Job Lots too. They have some very good values and they're my go-to for potting soil, fertilizer, calendars and bug spray, among other things. I also like their charitable deals where you make a contribution and get an equal value in gift cards to their store.

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