okay----'cordin ta the confews media(ha), they got this cross-dressing, gender-bending Algerian who can take out an opponent in one punch. well, doncha recall how in moo-slum coutries, they supposedly throw the misfit deviants offa tall buildings, ta get rid of 'em? but now---the same confews media say a moo-slum country is fielding one a them deviants in international sports contests. my interpretation is that yeah---it is a ploy ta make a point about summa the stuff we've seen about where to draw the line as far as "normal", in polite society. yup. also, the confews media likes these hot-button issues to distract from truly relevant stuff. yup. then, the two parties line up their voting contituencies on either side of the controversy. very clever. machine politics, is what it is. whichever party is in control, throws there voters a payback, then get back to feathering their own nests, like rockets for whatever corrupt dictator or defense contractor, or something. yup. hope that helps you kids, some.