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Thread: August Purge

  1. #1
    Senior Member Klunick's Avatar
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    August Purge

    Globe for a torchiere floor lamp- too small for current lamp
    Small jewelry box- no more jewelry
    Pair of cargo work pants- ripped
    Tshirt- decal was coming off
    Turtleneck shirt- not flattering
    Sweatshirt- too small
    Coffee maker manual- no longer needed
    Dry onion soup mix- no longer needed
    Spice tiered tray and some spices- not needed
    Cordless phone receiver- no longer works
    Old car insurance bills- no longer needed
    Two vacuum attachments- never use them
    Ten small cat toys- cats prefer larger toys
    Two pairs of mens dress pants- too small for husband
    Last edited by Klunick; 8-3-24 at 6:20pm.

  2. #2
    Senior Member rosarugosa's Avatar
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    Wow, good work!

  3. #3
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    Old tax files from over 7 years ago. Old medical bills. Some old house files. Doing 10 minutes in barn a day and 10 minutes in attic.
    Also trying to get rid of one book a day and one piece of clothing until it feels more manageable.

    Reorganized hall storage under eaves storage cabinets and it feels great. I had built it up in my mind and it wasn't nearly as bad in there as I thought. Now need to go through what is left and see if I can get rid of a third, maybe.

    A light shade, a ceiling fan.

    Want to work on sheets and blankets next.

  4. #4
    Senior Member rosarugosa's Avatar
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    Nice Tybee, sounds like you are accomplishing a lot and being very intentional about it. I probably need to go through my books again, but that might have to wait until the colder weather.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by rosarugosa View Post
    Nice Tybee, sounds like you are accomplishing a lot and being very intentional about it. I probably need to go through my books again, but that might have to wait until the colder weather.
    I think I might be too intentional. So many strong negative feelings are coming up, and I don't feel like I can handle them right now. Which is probably why stuff got shoved in boxes in the first place--as they say, delayed decisions.

    What do you all do with the negative feelings?

  6. #6
    Senior Member Tradd's Avatar
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    I cleaned out under my bed. Had some old boxes and such. The only thing left under there is a big suitcase.

  7. #7
    Senior Member iris lilies's Avatar
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    Canvas type bags. Got rid of 4. Gave them to someone who loves bags.

  8. #8
    Senior Member Klunick's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rosarugosa View Post
    Wow, good work!
    I was amazed I got so much.

  9. #9
    Senior Member rosarugosa's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tybee View Post
    I think I might be too intentional. So many strong negative feelings are coming up, and I don't feel like I can handle them right now. Which is probably why stuff got shoved in boxes in the first place--as they say, delayed decisions.

    What do you all do with the negative feelings?
    I'm sorry that I don't have any advice, because I don't particularly have negative feelings related to decluttering, at least not my own. Sister and I are doing some light decluttering at Mom's with the knowledge that we will have to deal with everything in that house sooner or later, so might as well declutter items now that are no longer relevant to her life. That does evoke a bit of sorrow for Mom's decline for sure, and I also can't help but reflect on the fact that I worked to help Mom declutter so many times over the years, and it was so difficult to pry anything away from her. It is almost startling to realize that we can now get rid of almost anything. My whole strategy related to "Mom sorrow" has been to pretty much stay on task and do what needs to be done, rather than spending too much time contemplating how much the whole situation sucks.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by rosarugosa View Post
    I'm sorry that I don't have any advice, because I don't particularly have negative feelings related to decluttering, at least not my own. Sister and I are doing some light decluttering at Mom's with the knowledge that we will have to deal with everything in that house sooner or later, so might as well declutter items now that are no longer relevant to her life. That does evoke a bit of sorrow for Mom's decline for sure, and I also can't help but reflect on the fact that I worked to help Mom declutter so many times over the years, and it was so difficult to pry anything away from her. It is almost startling to realize that we can now get rid of almost anything. My whole strategy related to "Mom sorrow" has been to pretty much stay on task and do what needs to be done, rather than spending too much time contemplating how much the whole situation sucks.
    Yes to staying on task! I put some things in the attic when Mom and Dad died and I am now starting to be able to take them out and move them along. I moved along a ton of things at the time of their deaths, but these were the can't bear to give them away sorts of things. Some I can get rid of now, some are back in the attic. But it's a lot less now; their financial papers are down from 4 boxes to half a box now. Maybe someday I will be able to get rid of all of it.

    But sorrow over my own bad financial decisions, things like that--harder to deal with. Missed career opportunities. A lot of it is triggering, I guess.

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