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Thread: Agerculture

  1. #1
    Senior Member littlebittybobby's Avatar
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    By god---we needta discuss farmeen---the costa land, fuel, equipment, a decent 4 x 4, season tickicks ta the iwah/iwah state games---the whole ball o' wax---all gone waaay outta sight, dollarwise, by god. But yeah---whattya gonna do about it? it's the only life i've ever known, by god. get a job running the till at caseys or kum-n-go? yah, sure---you bet. Drive semi? maybe, but yer never home, and first thing ya know---the grandkids are racking up debt going to college to teach school or sell in-surance. yup.

  2. #2
    Senior Member littlebittybobby's Avatar
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    okay---the weather. global warming, cooling--the whole ball o' wax. can't do nuthin' about it, but stay inside until the weather changes. nope.

  3. #3
    Senior Member littlebittybobby's Avatar
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    okay----by god--here's the kind a truck yer gonna need if yer gonna farm. it's got all the bells-n-whistles. Yup. The whole ball o' wax. (see photoi)

  4. #4
    Senior Member catherine's Avatar
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    Nice truck! DH swore that when we moved to Vermont we'd need a truck and I pooh-poohed him, but when his Honda Fit died in 2019, we went to a used car place and bought an old Chevy Avalanche for 4000. It ain't too pretty but it's still kicking, despite all the rust and dents. Just the other day an acquaintance of DH's told him, "My God, I'd never figure you would have a truck like that!" Meaning if you met DH you'd think of him in a Lexus SUV or something like that--not an old rattle-trap. Despite DH's outward appearance, hei isn't into cars as status symbol.

    bobby, are you planning on buying a truck?
    "Do any human beings ever realize life while they live it--every, every minute?" Emily Webb, Our Town

  5. #5
    Senior Member littlebittybobby's Avatar
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    okay-----thats a pretty nice truck ya got there, Catherine. But yeah---some people don't regard an avalache as a REAL truck, though they are wrong. I have purchased TWO Avalange bed mats from the wreckin' yard. 1 for my bike workshop & 1 for my 87 Suburban 4 x 4. . But yeah---I have SEVERAL Chevy/GMCs(perfessional grade) 1-ton trucks. Plus, my 77 Chevy 1/2 ton. The only one that is presently licensed is my 77 GMC(perfessional grade)2500, which I don't drive regularly. I have driven it ta Joplin & Golden City & also Rogersville several times in the last few years. I just farmer-overhauled the engine in 1981, but it needs looked at before I drive 'er anywhere again. Yup. Thing is, none of 'em cost me what the nice clean NEW truck in the photo I posted cost! Ha. Nope. But yeah---ya gotta have a sharp, high-dollar truck ta take your family to the steak house or somewhere fer breakfast or else ta have a tailgate party at home games for iwah/iwah state(pick your poison). Yup.
    Last edited by littlebittybobby; 8-27-24 at 2:35pm.

  6. #6
    Senior Member littlebittybobby's Avatar
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    okay---i just learned of this tragedy, yesterday, though it happened at the end of last month. so anyway, there was a guy who was a hot-rodder & car jock half-a-century ago in a teeny-tiny town up in the middle o' nowhere. at one time, he left to take a job in the metropolis at a tyre factory, , then moved back to that teeny-tiny town, he did this n that, mainly automotive related. later on, he had a son, and they got the notion to go farming. i don't think they owned any land; thats too expensive, now. so, what i think they did is acquire/lease/ borrow $$$ for some equipment/machinery/trucks(ya gotta have trucks, by god) to custom-farm. really, a form of mowing & car-jocking, driving up-and-down back-and-forth. See? but yeah---there are people who OWN land, but don't farm, simply put. soooo, they "farm it out". So, yeah---custom-farming is a form of employment in a job-scarce region. See? well, Dad & Mom were doing good, until Jr was out car-jocking one fine day---riding his Hardly-Doitson some 50 miles from home on a low-traffic two-lane with excellent visibility(that part of iway IS pretty flat), and a teen-ager ran a stop sign into the path of his boy, age 42. i'm pretty sure it was the worst day in his folkses life. That said, hopefully everyone is insured to the Max. But yeah---even in iwah, where traffic is light, it is still murder. people are complacent, car-jocking is a form of recreation(driving around wearing out vehicles & burning up gas for something to "do")and tragedy strikes. yup. hope that helps you some. thankk mee.

  7. #7
    Senior Member littlebittybobby's Avatar
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    okay-----went on google ta the scene of the car/motorcycle crash that killed an agribusinessman. The view is looking west, the direction the motorcycle was headed, and the intersection is up where that car heading east is pictured. but anyway---a teenager was SUPPOSED to stop at the intersection, and the traffic(much ? ha.) on the highway has the right of way. But, nope--the kid went through the stop and collided with the Harley. But still---even with the tall corn at the end of July, it would seem like the motorcyclist could anticipate if a vehicle approaching the intersection would stop so they could take evasive action. Unless they both were going 100 mph or more. That part of Iwah is pretty low-traffic and good visibility on account of the terrain. Not like Zurra. See? So yeah---there were contributing factors on the part of rider and driver, for that wreck. At least that's what i believe. Yup.(see photo)

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