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Thread: get new computers or ???

  1. #11
    Senior Member Rogar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ToomuchStuff View Post
    Unless you are willing to put the time in to learning Linux which can extend the life of a machine, get new.
    I installed Ubuntu on an obsolete laptop. Freeware and I think Linux based. I was surprised at how easy it was to install and it's very user friendly, much like windows. I actually use it for certain financial transaction I would like to feel secure and as a back up. Hindsight, I think I could get by with it as a main computer if a person wanted to break the ties with Microsoft or Apple OS. It's well reviewed and has been around for a long time.
    "what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?" Mary Oliver

  2. #12
    Simpleton Alan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rogar View Post
    I installed Ubuntu on an obsolete laptop. Freeware and I think Linux based. I was surprised at how easy it was to install and it's very user friendly, much like windows. I actually use it for certain financial transaction I would like to feel secure and as a back up. Hindsight, I think I could get by with it as a main computer if a person wanted to break the ties with Microsoft or Apple OS. It's well reviewed and has been around for a long time.
    Back when we were a Windows based family I played with many Linux variants and you're right, Ubuntu is a very good OS, but for anyone interested in another opinion, I'd go with Linux Mint to revive an older computer. It's built on top of the Ubuntu core and is even more familiar in function and user friendliness for traditional Windows users. Plus, they maintain a huge repository of free open-source apps designed specifically for their OS.

    You can even do a temporary install on a Windows machine alongside your Windows install and check it out before committing to a full install. There's also an option for a dual-boot full install where you can choose at startup which OS you'd like to boot, either Mint or Windows.

    Of course, there a many very good Linux variants and I haven't come close to trying them all, but I've put Mint on several older computers and I'm a fan!
    "Things should be made as simple as possible, but not one bit simpler." ~ Albert Einstein

  3. #13
    Senior Member Tradd's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pinkytoe View Post
    I bought a new one with my education discount plus got an Apple $100 gift card. Yea!!
    Good choice

  4. #14
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    Alan, If it is older and the company will no longer install updates (Windows 10) on HP Pavilion can't install Windows 11. Can the Linux give me more time with my HP. I have had NO problems with the desktop and am frustrated that I need to look at another. It's 7 years old.

  5. #15
    Simpleton Alan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by nswef View Post
    Alan, If it is older and the company will no longer install updates (Windows 10) on HP Pavilion can't install Windows 11. Can the Linux give me more time with my HP..
    Yes. The reason Windows won't update many older computers is because they keep upping the hardware requirements which means lots of older computers no longer meet minimum ummmph standards required to effectively run the updated OS.

    Conversely, most Linux distributions are designed to operate effectively with much lower hardware requirements which greatly improves the functional lifespan of the machine.
    "Things should be made as simple as possible, but not one bit simpler." ~ Albert Einstein

  6. #16
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    Thanks Alan, I might try that.

  7. #17
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    I'm going to have to remember this thread as I have a little netbook that I LOVE, but that is so old. Maybe I'll try installing Linux Mint on it as a retirement project.
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  8. #18
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    I finally made the time to set up the new Mac Mini. Then I realized my printer that I just bought a new cartridge for is no longer compatible. Now I have to figure out what kind of new wireless printer to buy. I hate this thing for your thing stuff...

  9. #19
    Senior Member iris lilies's Avatar
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    I have the best tech set up I have ever had. I cross my fingers every day that nothing goes kerplunk because that’s a whole chain of problems with the entire system.

  10. #20
    Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by pinkytoe View Post
    I finally made the time to set up the new Mac Mini. Then I realized my printer that I just bought a new cartridge for is no longer compatible. Now I have to figure out what kind of new wireless printer to buy. I hate this thing for your thing stuff...
    Take your old computer, block it from the web, but use it as a print server and save the cost of a new printer.

    That said, I prefer laser printer because they last longer.

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