2024 is moving very fast. Sorry it took so long to make this post, work has been busy.
The leaves are turning in my area, and the pollen count is really high. Parts of the harvest are coming in and soon is Halloween.
Here's my Fall list
Fall trip
Finish scarf 60% done
Finish trunk quilt 4 of 5 done, need to assemble the last one
Start cardigan
Organize hats and mittens for donations
Pull out and air out duvet
Out away Summer clothes and pull out Winter clothes?
Start patch quilts for nieces
Halloween haunted house
Going to be a busy fall. Some of these will be longer projects. The patch quilts are going to the nieces. Mom bought a patch as a cheap souvenir for her travels, so she has 60+ years of patches. Due to illness and other reasons my parents decided to stop most traveling other than trips to see offspring or the odd trip to Las Vegas. I took her collection of patches and said I would do something with it, and it's a surprise. Going to make 3 quilts and use the patches to decorate them. Currently trying to match each sister to the school trip mom chaperoned. Have the family trips and my mom chaperoned field trips separated. Hoping to give them at Christmas next year.