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Thread: Fall Challenge 2024

  1. #1
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    Fall Challenge 2024

    2024 is moving very fast. Sorry it took so long to make this post, work has been busy.

    The leaves are turning in my area, and the pollen count is really high. Parts of the harvest are coming in and soon is Halloween.

    Here's my Fall list
    Fall trip
    Finish scarf 60% done
    Finish trunk quilt 4 of 5 done, need to assemble the last one
    Start cardigan
    Organize hats and mittens for donations
    Pull out and air out duvet
    Out away Summer clothes and pull out Winter clothes?
    Start patch quilts for nieces
    Halloween haunted house

    Going to be a busy fall. Some of these will be longer projects. The patch quilts are going to the nieces. Mom bought a patch as a cheap souvenir for her travels, so she has 60+ years of patches. Due to illness and other reasons my parents decided to stop most traveling other than trips to see offspring or the odd trip to Las Vegas. I took her collection of patches and said I would do something with it, and it's a surprise. Going to make 3 quilts and use the patches to decorate them. Currently trying to match each sister to the school trip mom chaperoned. Have the family trips and my mom chaperoned field trips separated. Hoping to give them at Christmas next year.

  2. #2
    Senior Member rosarugosa's Avatar
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    Hana: those patch quilts sound like they will be such wonderful, meaningful gifts! Would love to see pics when they are done, if you are inclined to share.

  3. #3
    Senior Member rosarugosa's Avatar
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    My list for the fall isn't going to be too extensive, because making and preparing for two craft fairs is pretty time consuming. I think other more interesting home projects will have to wait until winter.
    • Prepare/participate in craft fair on 10/19
    • Prepare/participate in craft fair on 12/7
    • Semi-annual closet cleanout/rotation
    • Seasonal miscellany: hammock, container plants, hoses, storm door panels, fountain, put up indoor fairy lights, clean/store fans
    • Review and cull book collection

    Yesterday, we spent a few hours pulling out all the pottery from the cellar, looking it over, pricing it, and packing it in a more organized manner. We are pricing things pretty cheap because we're really eager to get a lot of this stuff out of the house. There's no way we'll sell it all at this little fair, so the work helps to better position us for the December fair as well.

  4. #4
    Senior Member rosarugosa's Avatar
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    Closet is done, hammock is stored, and I'm slowly working on container plants. I've brought a couple indoors, but that isn't an option for many of them because they're toxic to cats, plus I have limited space indoors (with already a lot of houseplants). I did take a bunch of cuttings from some of my "must have" annuals, some of which I went to lengths to acquire. I won't know until next spring if that's a viable strategy, but it's worth a shot.
    We did the 10/19/24 craft fair. It wasn't much of a fair (which we knew going in), but it was close to home, convenient, with a low table fee, and we sold about $320. worth of pottery. So it was worth our while and we had a good enough time doing it. After the fair, I decided to throw away our collection of "seconds." That hurt a little bit, but the relief of unloading the excess pottery outweighed it, and I'm sure we'll be able to produce more seconds in the future, lol.

  5. #5
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    Congratulations, Rosa on the clearing out of seconds and sales!! I find throwing away art I've done is very I admire you tackling that! Our success yesterday was clearing the grass from a flowerbed in front of the house. It didn't take nearly as long as expected and it was a perfect day! one big job done!!!

  6. #6
    Senior Member iris lilies's Avatar
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    That is a tidy sum, rosa.

    we brought plants in eaely in the week. Imdomhave some toxic to cats but our cats do not bother the plants. After the i itial,i troduction to ijr house, they leave them alone.i keep super toxic ones in a basement sunny room out of their way.

  7. #7
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    Very nice, rr. I actually attended a pottery sale in conjunction with a food pantry fundraiser yesterday. Ended up with a couple of small, potential Christmas gifts and a new coffee mug. I thought of you while perusing the pieces.
    To give pleasure to a single heart by a single act is better than a thousand heads bowing in prayer." Mahatma Gandhi
    Be nice whenever possible. It's always possible. HH Dalai Lama
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  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by rosarugosa View Post
    Hana: those patch quilts sound like they will be such wonderful, meaningful gifts! Would love to see pics when they are done, if you are inclined to share.

    I'll try to post photos, I'm really bad at documenting what I do and sharing.

    Am having too much fun texting my sisters and asking about which field trips mom chaperoned for them. They know I'm up to something but not what.

    Been busy at work, finished the fall trip, and currently volunteering in a community haunted garage.

    Fall trip done
    Finish scarf 60% done
    Finish trunk quilt done
    Start cardigan not yet
    Organize hats and mittens for donations contact says probably happen closer to Thanksgiving
    Pull out and air out duvet done
    Out away Summer clothes and pull out Winter clothes? won't happen right away
    Start patch quilts for nieces early stages
    Halloween haunted house in progress

    Spent the past weekend on construction for the haunted garage,
    Winter forecast is looking like it will be cold and rainy so I'm not sure if I will need the winter clothing again. Might just go through it and donate whatever doesn't fit. We had a freeze warning, I pulled out the duvet just in case and didn't need it. Sorting the hats and mittens for donations will be the Thanksgiving project.

    Currently cutting jeans and sorting the fabric that can be saved. My Buy Nothing community has been great with gifting me their old jeans for the cause. Some have messaged me asking if I'm still interested in old denim. The seams will be place mats and coasters, and the waistbands will be floor mats.

    The trunk quilts are done! Need to figure out how to wrap them for Christmas. There's more room in the spare room. It's being taken over by pairs of old jeans, but still there's more space now.

  9. #9
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    Life has been life and haven't been online much. Pre Thanksgiving update

    Fall trip done
    Finish scarf 70% done
    Finish trunk quilt done
    Start cardigan not yet
    Organize hats and mittens for donations waiting for drop off instructions
    Pull out and air out duvet done
    Out away Summer clothes and pull out Winter clothes? Probably should do tonight
    Start patch quilts for nieces 1 of 3 tops done
    Halloween haunted house done

    First thing is my Dad had surgery a few months ago and what was supposed to be a minor thing has turned into complications. It's not Cancer, but it's something detected during a Cancer check. Today's PSA get those checks early and often. I decided that the patch quilts will be this year's Christmas gifts since I want both parents to see the surprise. I have Middle sister's top done since she only has the one kid. I'll look for backing fabrics during the black Friday online sales. Won't get much done this weekend due to family obligation.

    Hats and mittens for donations are in a bag ready for drop off when I receive word. It's going to dip below freezing this weekend so I expect to hear from her soon. Probably should dust off the winter clothed. Might need them this year.

    Probably need to step up on the scarf, trying to knit it for 20 minutes a day as part of the wind down after work.

    Happy Thanksgiving

  10. #10
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    Glad you stopped back in, hana. Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours.
    To give pleasure to a single heart by a single act is better than a thousand heads bowing in prayer." Mahatma Gandhi
    Be nice whenever possible. It's always possible. HH Dalai Lama
    In a world where you can be anything - be kind. Unknown

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