IL, thumb drives are not meant for long term storage. They fail a lot more than external hard drives, from what I read. I backup on on a combo of Apple iCloud, Google Photos/Drive, Microsoft One Drive.
IL, thumb drives are not meant for long term storage. They fail a lot more than external hard drives, from what I read. I backup on on a combo of Apple iCloud, Google Photos/Drive, Microsoft One Drive.
Happy: I guess that's a good outcome if it doesn't need to be replaced.
I do have an external hard drive, but confess that it's been a bit too long since I've done a backup onto it. Now on my to-do list. Thanks.
To give pleasure to a single heart by a single act is better than a thousand heads bowing in prayer." Mahatma Gandhi
Be nice whenever possible. It's always possible. HH Dalai Lama
In a world where you can be anything - be kind. Unknown
Friend of mine is a band instructor at a local community college. They did a Halloween concert today. Free. I went and it was quite good and fun. They even had trick or treating for the kids after.
We found a used (barely) snowblower a couple of hours away and husband drove over there and bought it. It appears brand new and retails for 1100, and he paid 400, and she threw in a can of gas!
Recently purchased half a cow, half a pig and 12 processed chickens from a free range farm. Also purchased 7 new young laying pullets. Should be good to go for a while.
yesterday we drove into town to vote. After, we went for Starbucks and Neapolitan pizzas. Using gift cards and points, no money exchanged hands, other than a bit in tips. So, sorta free food and drink!AND I don't have to worry that DH will be feeling like crap and not want to go vote on Election Day - we're all done!
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