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Thread: Travel For Travels' Sake

  1. #31
    Senior Member littlebittybobby's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2022
    okay-----I got to thinking---steada starting up my new tourist adventure on Attu, which is pretty remote and largely inacessible, that I'd use Adak Island, instead. See---Adak at one time a decade or two ago, had a population of around 8-9000 US military personnel & their dependents, and newly-constructed housing for them. Even a Mickey Dees! But yeah--on a account o' one of their capricious & wasteful gummmint decccisions, the base was all but cclosed up, and just 80 or so people left on the island, now! Good news is, there are sposta be at least two flights to Adak from Anchorage, 1000 miles away. So anyway---should be interesting. I'll let you kids know when I'm taking rezzervations & selling tickicks for your adak adventure. Yup. Our slogan: "We're waaay out in the middle o' nowhere!". Ha. Thankk Mee.

  2. #32
    Senior Member littlebittybobby's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2022
    okay----Dudes, better get your tickkicks & other travel arrangements squared away, because the newly-remodeled Noter Dame is open fer bizness. Noooo, not the football school in Indyanna, but that big old cathedral in France, European Tourist Mecca. In the USA, it'd been torn down years ago; But yeah---along with the other stuff(the useless eye-full tower, despot Napoleons Toomb, silly painting Moanin' Mona, etc.), it's a money-maker for the French, who have nothing else to offer. Nope. Good thing "A' didn't bomb the touriwst traps ta smithereens, or the country would have no source of income, now. Yup. Hope that helps you some. Thank our vettterans for saving France, TWICE. Ha. Yup.

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