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Thread: Travel For Travels' Sake

  1. #11
    Senior Member littlebittybobby's Avatar
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    weeeell, okay------another one o' my case study subjects, who made a tour o' europe last summer but hasn't been out-of-town since, announced that she has to try out this new restaurant that just opened, where the gimmick is "Armenian-Style Barbeque". So yeah---you can go and have your choice of various meats-on-a-stick, and other special yummy stuff.(camel/horse/goat/whatever Haven't checked to see the menu for prices, but knowing my case, it prolly is no less than $50 per head, for dinner. Yup. That said, I just know summa you kids will say hey---that's pretty cheap"! or about how it's their money, so what do you care, lbb? Ha. Gotcha. Another thing is---good news---my missing kitty-cat turned up. Yup. Very hungry and thirsty, too.

  2. #12
    Senior Member rosarugosa's Avatar
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    Glad your missing kitty showed up!

  3. #13
    Senior Member iris lilies's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rosarugosa View Post
    Glad your missing kitty showed up!
    She was traveling. Clearly, SHE values sightseeing even if her owner does not.

  4. #14
    Senior Member littlebittybobby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rosarugosa View Post
    Glad your missing kitty showed up!
    TYVM, RR. Okay-----I guess I shoulda revealed that she wuz right here at home, all the while. So, anyway---what happened(apparently) is that she musta jumped off the file cabinet next to the other bedroom(which is used for storage) and tripped the latch, so the door opened. THEN, when she entered the room to snoop around, she evidently knocked a bid package of paper towels I'm hoarded on the floor and against the door, which closed. See? Well, she prolly stayed occupied checking on this in there, and took looong naps, but last night about 10, I thought I heard a kitty cat. See---that cat is named "Mouse" but she's more like a squirrel. Yup. Anyway, she has a tiny little meow. Well, she prolly got hungry/thirsty, so decided to call it to my attention. I looked all over, until I found her. But yeah---she was glad to be found. Yup. She don't need no trips to Egypt, ta see the sphinx or whatever. Nope.

  5. #15
    Senior Member iris lilies's Avatar
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    You are wrong bobby, she needed to explore that whole other room that you do not allow her in.

    I stand by my assertion that she was traveling to see new sights.

  6. #16
    Senior Member KayLR's Avatar
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    I'm gonna go out on a limb here and go along with LBB here....I think I may know where he's coming from.

    Case in point...My former boss. She's retired, was widowed, now remarried. She and her new man travel extensively locally, in the U.S. and some abroad. Holy heck. She is the epitome of an "over-sharer." I love her dearly, but her FB posts are 24+ photos which could be copy/pasted except for the location. Lots of close up selfies of them at breakfast-lunch-dinner, pictures of what they ate, separate photos of their drinks, many horizon shots, etc. Mostly selfies of themselves looking ecstatically in love and toasting each other.

    Ok, rant off now.
    My therapist told me the way to achieve true inner peace is to finish what I start. So far today, I have finished two bags of M&Ms and a chocolate cake. I feel better already!

  7. #17
    Senior Member littlebittybobby's Avatar
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    okay----KLR, gets the picture! Yup. So, anyway---here's a post from one a my case subjects' f-book. Said subject drives a 'Cedes SUV, is on her 4th marriage, and spends money like crazy on concerts, fancy restaurants & trips, everywhere. Is aso at least 50 lbs overweight. Yup. Yet--subject is employed in the mental health field! Ha. (see photo)

  8. #18
    Senior Member catherine's Avatar
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    I don't think you can make a blanket statement about travel. Yes, it's annoying to see people grabbing their bags and jet-setting off every season to some place or the other, just to be able to post on FB pics of their painted toenails and a glass of wine in the foreground and an eternity pool in the background.

    But I was just reading Tim Ferriss today, and he has spent a good amount of time doing what he calls "vagabonding" which is basically just saving up enough to grab a backpack and go somewhere to get out of your self and discover something else.. think of Thoreau, Kerouac, London.

    In my personal experience, I have learned something from every place I've visited. And when my young sons traveled, I was so happy because I knew they'd come back changed in some way. So I am definitely biased in favor of travel, but it has to be a certain kind of travel, by a certain type of person.
    "Do any human beings ever realize life while they live it--every, every minute?" Emily Webb, Our Town

  9. #19
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    I love to travel. Just got back from visiting 3 national parks with more on the horizon (hopefully). I love learning and change. Can't imagine always staying home. To me, variety is a must.

  10. #20
    Senior Member littlebittybobby's Avatar
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    okay----I am just sure you kids remember when Packy published his position paper on needless travel to Howoya, middle o' nowhere. (see photo). Well, another of my case studies spent 40+ years toiling in a hot, noisy, dusty autobody repair shop, and retired. Many people in that occupation don't LIVE long enough ta retire. Nope. But anyway---his avocation is ta sit-n-watch tee-vee sports, but evidently to please his old lady, he hadta escort her ta Ho-woy-ya, just last week! (see photos). They took the usual type o' photos, including that of the sunken ship eyesore that leaks oil & is filled with dead sailors. For me, sure not gonna waste $1000's to go see that bizarre show. Nope. I'm not that "patri-idiotic"(a term I coined).2024-10-19 (3).jpg
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