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Thread: Cannibis

  1. #21
    Senior Member rosarugosa's Avatar
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    JP: My husband has exactly the sleep issue you describe, despite his significant cannabis intake, so I don't know if it would help with your issue. However, your experience and tolerance would be so much different that I don't think we can extrapolate much from his experience.

    I take a 5 mg gummy before bed and I fall asleep pretty easily most nights. I do wake up a time or two, but usually fall back to sleep without much trouble.

  2. #22
    Senior Member jp1's Avatar
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    This whole thread reminds me of a story a coworker told me after Christmas one year. His wife is a lapsed Mormon and they were visiting her sister, a practicing Mormon, and her family. Sister's 16 year old son pulled out two packs of pot gummies on Christmas eve and offered them to everyone. No one took any so he proceeded to eat all of them himself. Sister and husband freaked out as their kid got more and more baked. Coworker just sat in a corner of the room watching, quite amused at how silly the boy was getting. And was impressed at his tolerance. Clearly it wasn't the first time son had done this. I imagine I'd have been passed out on the floor well before finishing both packages.

  3. #23
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    This pot thread reminds me of the time I was in high school (early 70s) and went to visit my Dad who was a practicing cardiologist. There in the corner of his patio was a large, healthy cannabis plant. We never discussed the whys but I recall it shocked me at the time as it could have gotten him into a lot of trouble had he been found out.

  4. #24
    Senior Member SiouzQ.'s Avatar
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    A couple of years ago I really wanted to have pot work for my various aches and pains. I even got a medical marijauna card before it was legal in New Mexico. I tried various gummies and chocolates but they always had the opposite effect on me - instead of making me happy and drowsy, they made me paranoid and jittery. And that was after cutting these things into quarters! I can't imagine what a whole one would do. I smoked tremendous amounts of pot in high school in the mid to late '70's, but the stuff out there today is way too strong!

    I worked briefly at my friend's pot store (all I did was take the ID's) he opened up on the day it went legal in New Mexico. I tried some of the freeies that came along with the position but have concluded that pot is just not for me at all anymore. I do not enjoy the way it makes me feel. I have no trouble declining it when someone passes a joint around.

    I've also found since surgery three months ago that my tolerence for alcohol has gone way down. Compared to how much I was drinking when I moved to NM and during the pandemic, my consumption is at most one beer a week now, if that. Down from maybe 12 (two per day) during the pandemic! The tiny tourist/artist town I live in has a terrible alcohol abuse problem and a lot of old-timers have died from alcoholism. Even some younger people in their thirties have died; my friend's 38 year old daughter died last year due to liver failure and another guy I know is well on his way. I saw him at a party last Sunday for an old-timer who recently passed and didn't even recognize him he looked so bad. I heard he was suffering from liver failure as well - I tried treatment but has gone back to drinking again. It's so sad...watching people in the physical and mental grips of an addiction, especially at that young age.

    My friend's weed store had to shut down last year. NM gave out too many licenses and the small places cannot compete witrh the larger corporations. Weed is ridiculously cheap now because there is way too much competition out there.

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