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Thread: November Purge

  1. #1
    Senior Member Klunick's Avatar
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    November Purge

    I have some Fall, Halloween, and Thanksgiving decor in a bin together. I was getting out my Thanksgiving stuff and making room to put in the Halloween stuff and came across a strand of fake leaves that I put along the cabinets in the kitchen for Fall. I have two and the other goes around the floor lamp in the living room. I really like the leaves on the floor lamp but I questioned whether or not having the other strand for the cabinets was worth it. I decided it was a no. Can't really see them, they sometimes get in the way when closing the cabinets, and the lights haven't worked for years.

  2. #2
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    Good call! I am visiting son and brought some family heirlooms to distribute so that feels good, one piece of jewelry I have been in charge of for fifty years, probably from about 1930

  3. #3
    Senior Member iris lilies's Avatar
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    Today we took a truckload of items to Goodwill. We went through the garage and our house and gathered items to leave our home. Tomorrow, at our city’s bulk pick up day, a few items will be delivered to go to the landfill.

    And then, I handed off a bunch of items for DH‘s metal collection; he needs to haul all of his metal scraps into the city to exchange for money.

    And then we identified a few items to take to the auction house down the street. We have three sets of French doors. NONE of them belong to any house we own. 1 set came from our alley in St. Louis and 2 sets from our friend’s city alley. I am oddly attached to French doors so that’s why I let DH build that small collection, but it is time that they go. if the auction house doesn’t want them, then we need to take them to the architectural remnant place in St. Louis. They are really NICE doors!

  4. #4
    Senior Member iris lilies's Avatar
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    Crap, now I am thinking of the cute little garden house DH could build with those French doors…

  5. #5
    Senior Member Klunick's Avatar
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    After looking at a little tiered tray sign that I had on a little decorative cart filled with pines cones, I decided I really didn't like it so it got decluttered and I put the pumpkin sign it came with on it. I think it goes better than the other one.

  6. #6
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    Spent several hours cleaning out the two closets with our outerwear. Found all the matching hoods and liners and put the sets together. Why did we have 3 matching Columbia coats? Going to donate one to the local VA community center thrift shop. Tried all the zippers and checked for any damage. Got rid of a pile of various coats and sweatshirts. Then on to the shoes. One set of boots to go and tossed two sets of broken or wrong sized athletic shoes. All the shoe liners are now in a marked box in the basement along with a box of all the vacuum attachments. Then checked all the gloves and scarves. 3 mismatched gloves looking for partners. Donating 4 various duplicate backpacks and bags.

    Now everything is ready and tidy for winter. I have 2/3 of a shelf empty and a clean entry. We finally can find everything.

  7. #7
    Senior Member iris lilies's Avatar
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    This one was HARD: I threw away my old super comfortable cardigan that was half cashmere and half silk. It had holes in it that I’ve sewed up, one of our foster dogs liked to chew fabric, but it did have one gaping hole that I never mended.

    DH Kept making remarks about about how ragged it was and he finally refused to go anywhere with me if I was wearing that sweater.

    sigh, Farewell, wonderful sweater that loved me like a mother!

  8. #8
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    I say this every year but sometime this month I intend to go through my two boxes of seeds and find a new home for those I no longer want or need. Since I started saving seeds, I don't buy many anymore. I donated some yesterday to an upcoming swap which I will attend and no doubt bring home more.

  9. #9
    Senior Member rosarugosa's Avatar
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    Sweetana: I should go through our winter outerwear too, since there are usually a lot of groups doing drives to collect warm coats, gloves, etc.

    IL: DH and I each gave up a beloved, raggedy sweatshirt this week, so it must have been the week for it. I hummed taps as I put them in the fabric recycling bag.

  10. #10
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    Yeah on everyone cleaning out the outer wear. I have limited coats and jackets, but others in the household have ALOT!!

    I totally get the old sweater, IL. Hope you find another one that can work it's way up to the same comfort level.

    Kind of a purge and exchange. Did the dreaded bra shopping yesterday. Got two new ones and threw out two old ones. Also got two simple cutting mats and threw out the two old ones. Finally got a new little corkscrew and threw out the big broken one.

    I like this shopping to replace and not just buying additional stuff!
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