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Thread: Conspiracy Theories

  1. #1
    Senior Member catherine's Avatar
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    Conspiracy Theories

    I'm not talking about the ones that have been bandied about during this election cycle. I'm talking about old ones--ones that I can kind of buy into.

    I was just reading about James Earl Ray and how some say he was just a scapegoat--even the King family believes that Ray never shot MLK.

    Then when you think about the other "lone" shooters of the 60s--Sirhan Sirhan and Lee Harvey Oswald--I just wonder what their motivation was? And the fact that Ruby shot Oswald--I don't buy it was an emotional response to his patriotism. I am open to the idea of more "motivated" suspects in both of those assassinations.

    And then there's poor Pierre Salinger whose reputation went from respect to ridicule after maintaining that TWA 800 as shot down by "friendly fire"--which I think is another plausible alternative for what really happened.

    Where do you stand on conspiracies--these or others? Do you think about them, or do you accept the findings of the various commissions that have ruled on them a long time ago?
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  2. #2
    Senior Member iris lilies's Avatar
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    There is no one size fits all. I suppose if there was a conspiracy theory that really interested me I would go down the rabbit hole, but I can’t think of any that interest me that much. Since none of the big ones capture my imagination,. it is easy to accept the findings of any official investigation.

    as for controversies that interest me, the last one I can think of that interests me is the case of Natalia Grace. She’s the little girl with special needs who is adopted by an American family and then abandoned, when they said she was fully grown adult, but it’s more likely she was a child probably around eight years old. There are multiple sides of that and lots of conflicting information and “official “decisions including a judge’s ruling that seems – – problematic .
    Last edited by iris lilies; 11-15-24 at 12:46pm.

  3. #3
    Senior Member littlebittybobby's Avatar
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    well---okay----one reason conspiracy theories gain support if they are kinda plausible is that people cannot believe that outrageous stuff happens on account of somee misfit who carried it out all by himself. see? they reason that it musta been a group effort motivated by some ideology, funded by an organization that hates us. Or whatever. You get my point? Hope that helps you saome.

  4. #4
    Senior Member Rogar's Avatar
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    I once met an older man who claimed he was once in military intelligence and served on B-36 crew on a secret mission to transport an deceased alien, as in not of this planet. As the account goes, the timeline was around the time of the famous Roswell crash. I can't say I believe or disbelieve, but he told a quite credible and lengthy story with all seriousness.

    This week I was summoned for jury duty in a case where there were no witnesses, no evidence, and only one word against another. In the questioning for jury selection, the prosecuting attorney asked, if it was just one person's word against another, how would you tell which was right. I didn't make the cut into the round of questions, but I think it excused several from their answers. But I've thought about it later. How do you tell. Neither a total mystery or hard scientific process.
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  5. #5
    Senior Member iris lilies's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rogar View Post
    I once met an older man who claimed he was once in military intelligence and served on B-36 crew on a secret mission to transport an deceased alien. As the account goes, the timeline was around the time of the famous Roswell crash. I can't say I believe or disbelieve, but he told a quite credible and lengthy story with all seriousness.

    This week I was summoned for jury duty in a case where there were no witnesses, no evidence, and only one word against another. In the questioning for jury selection, the prosecuting attorney asked, if it was just one person's word against another, how would you tell which was right. I didn't make the cut into the round of questions, but I think it excused several from their answers. But I've thought about it later. How do you tell. Neither a total mystery or hard scientific process.
    That is what most rape cases are, two people with differing testimony. Sometimes there is a little physical evidence of force. Not always.

    That’s very interesting about transporting aliens. That is a pretty well known UFO story.Did he claim to actually SEE the alien remains? My understanding is that our federal government has recently become much more open about the data collecting on UFOs.

  6. #6
    Senior Member Rogar's Avatar
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    As in the case of RFK Jr. subscribing to the theory that Sirhan Sirhan had a second shooter. In this case the two sides might be, well he's an educated man from an upstanding family who has probably researched the subject. And weight that against the fact that he has promoted many other conspiracy theories that go against mainstream experts who are more qualified on the subjects.
    "what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?" Mary Oliver

  7. #7
    Senior Member Rogar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by iris lilies View Post
    That is what most rape cases are, two people with differing testimony. Sometimes there is a little physical evidence of force. Not always.

    That’s very interesting about transporting aliens. That is a pretty well known UFO story. Did he claim to actually SEE the alien remains? My understanding is that our federal government has recently become much more open about the data collecting on UFOs.
    No, he didn't see the alien. If I recall his story, it's been a few years, there was a six man armed military escort of a coffin like crate the the size of those smaller aliens they say was recovered from a crash and he learned from the from the escort of the contents somehow.
    "what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?" Mary Oliver

  8. #8
    Senior Member bae's Avatar
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    I find it difficult to give much credence to conspiracies that would require more than 1-2 people to keep secret.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by bae View Post
    I find it difficult to give much credence to conspiracies that would require more than 1-2 people to keep secret.

    Not so much with the military (orders, possible prison time, governments budget to make someone look like an idiot, etc). I remember in the 80's when my dad told me his SR71 story. His military days were manning one of our missile stations connected to Norad and Congress (had a part go bad, when brand new barely to spec and quickly fell out, so a congressional investigation). Norad told him his "radar was out of calibration" until they realized they were talking to the guy that just calibrated it, then he was ordered to ignore the blip on the screen as it wasn't there. This was around 63/64. (for years he never considered himself a veteran as he never went to Vietnam like siblings)

    Although I did give my former/late neighbor a bunch of grief, when I saw his military discharge papers. He was discharged and left with his nurse girlfriend, from Roswell New Mexico on June 30th 1947. Also more apt to believe in part that one, due to our fear of the Russians at the time, as well as just getting out of a war. Fear of another war (either planetary or interplanetary should scare the heck out of politicians and such)
    Besides that, I would like to think finding a spaceship of some kind, would give hope to us as a species that we can rise above the bs and eventually head to the stars.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by ToomuchStuff View Post
    Besides that, I would like to think finding a spaceship of some kind, would give hope to us as a species that we can rise above the bs and eventually head to the stars.
    I like this and agree. Hopefully, we haven't destroyed our chances of friendly contact with whoever/whatever may be out in the universe.
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