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Thread: Conspiracy Theories

  1. #41
    Senior Member
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    The migration of an echo chamber. It will leave no real debate on either platform.

    That said, my biggest conspiracy, is my business partner, the idiot, is trying to kill me by having me work seven days a week while doing chemo and not helping figure out the help (or if they are ever going to be able to work again), and is now in the hospital for stints. That way they can collect the life insurance he took out on me when his brother died and sell the place after I have got it straightened up.

  2. #42
    Senior Member iris lilies's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ToomuchStuff View Post
    The migration of an echo chamber. It will leave no real debate on either platform.

    That said, my biggest conspiracy, is my business partner, the idiot, is trying to kill me by having me work seven days a week while doing chemo and not helping figure out the help (or if they are ever going to be able to work again), and is now in the hospital for stints. That way they can collect the life insurance he took out on me when his brother died and sell the place after I have got it straightened up.
    yikes, that is a bleak outlook. But I won’t say that could never happen because unfortunately sometimes the bad people do prevail.

  3. #43
    Senior Member Tradd's Avatar
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    The real crackball conspiracy theories - the moon landing was fake, plus Pearl Harbor and 9/11 were planned and encouraged by the US govt.

  4. #44
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    Quote Originally Posted by ToomuchStuff View Post
    The migration of an echo chamber. It will leave no real debate on either platform.

    That said, my biggest conspiracy, is my business partner, the idiot, is trying to kill me by having me work seven days a week while doing chemo and not helping figure out the help (or if they are ever going to be able to work again), and is now in the hospital for stints. That way they can collect the life insurance he took out on me when his brother died and sell the place after I have got it straightened up.
    Does the business meet the definitions for FMLA?

  5. #45
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tradd View Post
    The real crackball conspiracy theories - the moon landing was fake, plus Pearl Harbor and 9/11 were planned and encouraged by the US govt.
    Pearl harbor was known before it happened, between our intercepts (they kept the Japanese ambassador at bay for a bit), and the recent invention/use of radar, we had time to do something, but the intelligence was considered more important, long term.
    Quote Originally Posted by frugal-one View Post
    Does the business meet the definitions for FMLA?
    Too small of a business to qualify and now the situation is worse. Idiot is in the hospital having discussions with Dr. about odds verses what he needs and lying to them (sibling was there and passed on corrected information to me).
    I tend to be the go between the family and the girlfriend as he intentionally made them hate each other enough they won't talk.

  6. #46
    Senior Member iris lilies's Avatar
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    I have to take back when I wrote below: Sam thinks it was definitely a real assassination attempt, but that the injury to Donald Trump’s ear might’ve come from something on stage such as a Teleprompter shattering. OK I can see that, that’s not entirely crazy.

    I apologize to Sam Harris.


    As I cavort through the internet I ran across a video clip of Sam Harris talking to Bill Maher about the Trump attempted assassination in Pennsylvania.

    Sam has doubts it was a real attempt. (!)

    This is what Trump Derangement Syndrome does to normal brains.
    Last edited by iris lilies; 2-1-25 at 10:50am.

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