Possibly a little preliminary to discuss. I remember Trump's promise in previous elections to deal with a mass of illegal aliens with no real or lasting effect. His medieval wall was mostly for show. The news seems to think deportations are rising to the top as one of his day one objectives and his minions seem to be behind him. There are wild numbers being tossed around but most are in the million or many millions. Trump is saying he will send in the military and build detention centers. Stephen Miller has said he would recruit state militias from red states to overcome resistance in blue states (possibly illegal if not incendiary?) And there are the economic implications of taking away a work force doing jobs us common folk won't do.
I see immigration as one of Biden's failures, but also the elephant in the room that lame politics have ignored for many regimes. It's something I could learn more about, but how did many millions of illegal immigrants end up here in the first place. Congress has ignored meaning legislation that would legitimize DACA recipients and maybe even generations of others who have lived under the radar for decades and should or could be offered a path to citizenship. And politics has probably not funded agencies to expeditiously process people who come to the country for legitimate reason. No doubt it's a problem.
Possibly too many unknowns to talk about now, but it looks like it's coming.