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Thread: A folk hero or not?

  1. #11
    Senior Member iris lilies's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gimmethesimplelife View Post
    I guess we'll just have to agree to disagree. Human lives were spared by this heroic and long overdue act. I vote for sparing human life against capitalism and the United States. YMMV. Rob

    Human lives have been spared? Hunh. How do you figure that?

    I just figure another corporate drone will take his place and continue on in the typical policies of United Healthcare. I guess you have insider information. So spill it.

    also, it’s funny to me how often you’re mentioning “AI.” Would United Healthcare’s actions be less egregious if they were working with old fashion tools, and no “AI?”

  2. #12
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    Disgusting IMO. One person does not constitute an organization. He is a murderer and, hopefully, will be tried as such.

  3. #13
    Senior Member KayLR's Avatar
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    I find this discussion disturbing. The perp is not a hero. Likely mental issues and major anger issues.

    The victim was a human being with a mother, a family I imagine. Maybe despicable in his position, but who next do you approve for extermination?
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  4. #14
    Senior Member littlebittybobby's Avatar
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    okay----Giuseppe DiFalcone or whatever---was set up by a conspiracy to take the rap. Here he is speaking to the media as the cops escort him to his cell. (see photo). I can tell that he's shouting: "I'm just a patsy!" Yup. 2024-12-10 (6).jpg

  5. #15
    Senior Member Rogar's Avatar
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    It may get some needed attention, but the act in itself was inexcusable. The young man will most likely be spending the rest of an otherwise productive life in prison. He has mental problems.
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  6. #16
    Senior Member catherine's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KayLR View Post
    I find this discussion disturbing. The perp is not a hero. Likely mental issues and major anger issues.

    The victim was a human being with a mother, a family I imagine. Maybe despicable in his position, but who next do you approve for extermination?
    I read that part of his life experience that may have contributed to his seemingly very contradictory behavior (valedictorian, well-liked, no trouble with the law, etc.) is the fact that he had back surgery that left. him in pain most of the time. One commentator said that he might have been taking medications that may have triggered some mental illness.

    My opinion is a) the violent murder is terrible and unwarranted. The angry mob behind Mangione metaphorically storming the Bastille of the "greedy capitalist machine" is a sign of troubled times. I think there is more to come as people become more and more fed up with rising wealth inequality and lack of faith in our leaders.

    This morning I read an analysis of Jose Ortega y Gasset's Revolt of the Masses by Ted Goia (boy, I love Substack--so many insightful writers on it!) I first read this book way back in college in my Philosophy of Crisis class,, and Goia draws parallels between the culture of the "mass man" described in the book, and today. I don't have time to summarize it right now--I will be doing interviews for evil Big Pharma all day--but if anyone is interested, you can google Revolt of the Masses or read Goia's analysis here:
    "Do any human beings ever realize life while they live it--every, every minute?" Emily Webb, Our Town

  7. #17
    Senior Member gimmethesimplelife's Avatar
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    This IS a disturbing conversation, yes. I find myself alone in my take once more. So given that I couldn't sleep, I looked over my take once again. At this point I ask - so how many patient deaths due to AI rejecting claims are acceptable? Why is Brian Thompson's life worth more than those of innocent policyholders?

    I can see being against cold blooded murder on a NYC street - but was not Brian Thompson HIMSELF guilty of murder? Why the free pass? Something else that strikes me is that the very nature of US capitalism itself created this murder as the system let AI deny claims/cause patient deaths. Remember that - the much cherished US free market found using AI to deny patient claims perfectly acceptable - you'all are OK with that?

    And yes, I DO wish that the very nature of the United States itself did not create such situations. Rob

  8. #18
    Senior Member iris lilies's Avatar
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    I am fascinated by Rob’s obsession with AI in using it in denying health insurance claims.

  9. #19
    Senior Member gimmethesimplelife's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by iris lilies View Post
    I am fascinated by Rob’s obsession with AI in using it in denying health insurance claims.
    Fair point, IL. I find AI being used to reject claims not only borderline Hitlerian but also.the perfect example of why the United States is not only far from the best deal but also non-viable overall for all but the wealthy. I also find it absolutely terrifying that some Americans are OK with AI being used this way.

    But at least in this one case the consequences of the United States sifted upwards. Here's hoping this continues - preferably minus loss of life. Rob

  10. #20
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    But murder is the ultimate Hitlerian act. Don't you get that?

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